
Friday, May 29, 2020

Side Effects of Porn, pornography side effects. الإباحية

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Side Effects of Porn,

Pornography side effects,

This Topic is in Both ENGLISH and URDU.

This is 100 % Guaranteed that the pornography and the viewing and seeing nude photos of girls and women, " Makes a Man Impotent", .

What is the meaning ? 

The meaning is that it makes the Penis of the Boy / Man Unable to stand firm, 

The penis becomes Loose, at the time of need.

But the penis functions well during the sleep.

The Man becomes unable to last longer than a fraction of a second, when he comes to the near of his wife.

This phenomenon is the 100 % result of the side Effects of the Nude photos and Porn and Pornography.

But there is a Good News, 

if you abandon looking and seeing and thinking about the pornography, your disease will go away.

But you have to abstain from thinking and seeing photos and porn for ONE Year Completely.

There are tablets after abandoning and abstaing to see the porn.

These Tablets are for a very Short Period of One Month only, .

The Tablet must be taken Half tablet alternate days, upto One Month only.

After the One month Never use this Tablet .

For Reading in URDU and Details in English read this page till end.

I deliberately used simple English so that Every nationality person can read and understand easily.

The Quran:
Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān)

Translation = (3:14) Men are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver, horses of mark, cattle and plantations. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world; but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to.

(( pornography includes not only videos of sexual activity, but it actually includes the images and photos of beautiful girls, women and it includes the viewing of actual women and their face and their entire body or some part of the women or girls.
Or even the clothes Shalwar, High cut kurta or top and palazzo pants and leggings.and sandals and lingerie items !. and even mannequins !.).. ).

پورن  کے نقصانات 

پورن کے صرف نقصانات ھی ھیں ، فائدے کچھ نہیں 

اسلام  میں عورت کی طرف زیادہ دیکھنے سے بھی 

منع کیا گیا ہے 

The Quran Orders, 

Chapter (24) sūrat l-nūr (The Light)

Tell to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

And tell to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their Chest and waist and do not display their beauty.

The Quran:
Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān)

Translation = (3:14) Men are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver, horses of mark, cattle and plantations. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world; but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to.

عورتوں کی تصویر دیکھنے سے اور پورنوگرافی دیکھنے سے 

آدمی میں نامردی کی بیماری پیدا ھوتی ھے  اور ضرورت 

کے وقت آدمی کا عضو تناسل کھڑا  نہیں ھوتا 

erectile dysfunction


 سرعت انزل کی premature ejaculation  

اور  ضعف باہ  


loss  of  Libido 


بھی بیماری ھوجاتی ھے 

اگر آپ کو یه بیماری پورن دیکھنے سے ھوئی ھے تو 

اس بیماری کا علاج 

صرف  یہ ھے کہ  عورتوں کی تصاویر  اور پورنوگرافی  

دیکھنا  ایک سال مکمل بند کردیں 

اگر یه بیماری آپکو کسی جسمانی علّت کی 

وجه سے  ھوئی ھے تو  اس بیماری کا  علاج  بھی  ہے 

آپ نیم  حکیموں  اور آیورویدک ڈاکٹروں کے پاس  ھرگز 

نہ  جاییں 

نیم حکیم  اور  وید  آپکا ھرگز علاج  نھیں 

آپکو  وہ  لوٹ  لیں گے

اور آپ کی بیماری روز بروز بڑھتی ہی رہیگی 

ایک شاعر نے اسی لئیے  ایک شعر  کہا  ھے 

مریض عشق پر یہ رحمت خدا کی 

مرض بڑھتا ھی گیا جوں جوں دوا کی 

آپ صرف  اللوپتھک  ڈاکٹروں کے پاس  جاییں 

سند  یافتہ  اللوپتھک  ایم  بی بی  ایس  ڈاکٹروں  کے  

پاس ھی  جایئں 

وہ  آپکو  

Tablet  Tadalafil 10 mg 

لکھ  کر  دینگے 

یه  tablets  

 آپکی دونوں قسم کی نامردی کا بہترین اور 

سستا علاج ھے  

یہ گولیاں  بہت  سستی  ھوتی  ھیں 

حکیموں اور جڑی بوٹی کے علاج میں ھرگز 

ھزاروں بلکی لاکھوں روپیہ برباد نہ کریں 


پورنوگرافی  کے نقصانات  کے  بارےمیں 

مزید  جاننے  کیلئے  مندرجہ ذیل  انگریزی  مضمون  پڑھئیے


عورتوں کی تصاویر کو دیکھنا یا عورتوں کو دیکھنا اسلام میں اسلئیے ھی ممنوع ھے 

ننگی عورتوں کو دیکھنا اور پورنوگرافی یعنی اباحیت دیکھنا  ایک لت ھے 

لت یعنی 



یہ  لت  ختم ھو سکتی  ھے 
صرف  آپ نے  دیکھنے سے  سخت پرھیز  کرنا  ھے 

آپ  ان  بیماریوں سے ھرگز  نہ گھبرائیں 

یہ بیماریاں  اس 


سے  صد فی صد  ٹھیک  ھوجاتیں  ھیں 



کا  نام  میں ایک  بار  پھر  میں  آپ کے  لئے  لکھ  دیتا  ھوں 

Tablet  Tablet  Tadalafil 10 mg 

یہ گولیاں کسطرح کھانا ھے 

میں ابھی بتاتا ھوں 

ان  ٹیبلیٹس  کے  بارے  میں  صحیح  معلومات  کیلئے 

آپ  ڈاکٹر  سے  ضرور  رجوع   کریں 

یہ گولی دو دن بعد  کھانا  ھے 

یعنی  اگر  آپنے  پہیلی  گولی  پیر  کے  دن  شام 

پانچ  بجے  کھائی  ھے  تو  آپکو  دوسری  گولی 

 جعمرات  کے  دن  شام  پانچ  بجے ھی  کھانی  چاہئیے 

اگر آپ  آدھی  گولی  یا  پانچ ملی گرام  کی  گولی 
کھانا  چاھتے  ھیں  تو  ایک  دن بعد  گولی  کھانا  چاہئے 

یعنی  اگر  آپ  پہلی  گولی  جمعہ  کے  دن  شام  سات  بجے 

کھالی  ھے  تو  اپکو  دوسری  گولی اتوار  کے  روز  شام  

سات  بجے  کھالینی  چاہئیے 

آپ  کوئی  ایک  وقت  مقرر  کر  لیں  اور  اس  مقرّرہ  وقت 

پر  گولی  کھالیا  کریں 

یہ  گولیاں  آ پنے  ایک  گولی سے  زیادہ  کبھی  نھیں  کھانی  ھے 

اور  یہ  گولیاں  آپنے ھمیشہ  بھی  نہین  کھانی  ھے 

یہ  گولیاں  صرف  چند  دن  یا  زیادہ  سے  زیادہ  صرف 

ایک   مھینے  تک  ھی  کھانی  ھے 

انشاء ا للہ  ایک  مھینے  کے  بعد  آپکو  ان  گولیوں  

کی  ضرورت  نھیں  ھوگی 

 ان  گولیوں کے بارے میں  مزید  معلومات  کیلئے 

کسی  اللوپتھک  ایم  بی  بی  ایس  ڈاکٹر  سے  پوچھیں 

نیم  حکیم  اور  ویدوں  کے  پاس  ھرگز نہ  جایئں 

یہ  نیم  حکیم  اپنی  دواؤں  میں  اسی  ٹیبلٹ  کا  سفوف 

ملا  کر  آپکو  معجون  بناکر  دیتے  ھیں 

یہ  گولیاں  بہت  سستی  آتیں  ھیں  یہ  آپکو  دو  درھم 

کی  ایک  گولی  مل  جاۓگی  یعنی  ایک  ڈالر  کی 

دو  گولیاں  ملتیں  ھیں ، لیکن  یہ  نیم  حکیم 

یہی  گولیاں  اپنے  معجون  میں  ملا  کر  آپکو  یہ  معجون 

بہت  مہنگا  دیتے  ھیں ، یہ  معجون  ١٠٠ گرام  آپکو 

٢٠٠ درھم  میں  آپکو  دیتے  ھیں 

آپ  یقین  رکھئیے  آپکی  یہ  بیماری  صد  فیصد 

دور  ہوجاۓگی 

صرف  آپ  نیم  حکیموں  سے  دور  رہیں 

اور  اباحیت  آمیز  مواد  یا  تصاویر  اور پورنوگرافی  دیکھنا  

ترک  کر  دیں 

عورتوں  کی  تصاویر  ھرگز  نہ  دیکھیں 


پورنوگرافی  کے نقصانات  کے  بارےمیں 

مزید  جاننے  کیلئے  مندرجہ ذیل  انگریزی  مضمون  پڑھئیے  

Please see these Urdu Videos first....,,,,

پورنوگرافی  کے نقصانات  کے  بارےمیں 

مزید  جاننے  کیلئے  مندرجہ ذیل  انگریزی  مضمون  پڑھئیے  


As a Bonus.....

جدید عادت یا خواتین میں جینز پینٹ اور پالازو پہننے کا نیا فیشن رجحان نوجوان لڑکوں کو ہم جنس پرستوں میں تبدیل کرنے میں مدد دے رہا ہے، کیونکہ جینز اور پالازو میں خواتین اپنی کمر اور کولہوں کو اشتعال انگیز طور پر دکھا رہی ہیں۔

The Modern habbit or the New Fashion trend in women to wear Jeans pant and Palazzo is contributting to turn young boys into Homosexuals, as the women in jeans and palazzos are showing their back and buttocks provacatively.

Denim Blue Jeans and Palazzo Pants


Do you Think viewing pornography is simply a harmless, enjoyable diversion? Think again. The enormous increase in the availability and variety of porn since the introduction of the internet has led to a staggering array of social, interpersonal, and physical problems among porn users. Here is a list of eight harmful effects porn has on individuals:

Porn actually changes the brain. 
The brain is made up of neurons, or brain cells, that are activated by different types of stimuli, such as a smell or sound or sight. Once they’re activated, they release chemicals that reinforce the connections between the neurons. A chemical that is released during porn use is dopamine, which is also released when using addictive substances. With frequent exposure to porn, dopamine overwhelms the brain, and the brain’s response to cope with the onslaught is to remove some of the dopamine receptors, which in turn removes the porn user’s ability to feel the effects as strongly as he had before. Consequently, it trains the brain to require more and more dopamine to feel the initial effect. When porn usage is frequent, the dopamine level required to feel excitement is so heightened that the person can no longer feel pleasure at only things that used to make him happy [1].

Brain Art

Because of the need for increased levels of dopamine to experience the high that porn first gave them, people tend to look for harder and more explicit or deviant images to feel that initial excitement. The brain connects the images to the sense of pleasure and excitement. This is how people can easily progress to viewing porn that used to shock or disgust them. Seeing these kinds of images over and over normalizes them to the user, making them seem acceptable and even common. Research also shows that porn users exhibit more dominating and harassing behavior toward women, have less compassion for rape victims, and have more violent attitudes toward women, even leading to actual violence against women [2].

The Other Chemical in the brain are 
Serotonin and Oxytocin and Dopamine.

Porn can lead to sexual dysfunction.

 Common physical problems that porn users experience with real-life partners are trouble getting and maintaining an erection, needing pornographic images to ejaculate, and difficulty even having an orgasm [3]. During real-life sex, a man may feel disconnected to his partner and take a long time to reach orgasm. He may need to rely on remembered pornographic images to reach orgasm. But he is able to get an erection and have an orgasm when using porn [4].

Among 27- to 31-year-olds , 19 percent suffer from premature ejaculation, 25 percent are disinterested in sex with their partner, 31 percent have difficulty reaching orgasm, and 34 percent experience erectile dysfunction.

Porn can cause erectile dysfunction !!!!!!

Problem: This one is specifically for guys. Virility is important for almost every guy I know. The rise in porn-induced erectile dysfunction is something to be alarmed about. Frequently watching porn can lead to erections which can increasingly only be induced by hardcore pornography. That’s not healthy.

Porn consumption then becomes a sort of psychological conditioning which creates performance anxiety.

This is why many pornography addicts experience porn-induced erectile dysfunction and why many men desire to have more sex but are not aroused by their spouse. They have trained their body to be more aroused by an image than a person because the “novelty” image will lead to an increased dopamine response compared to the alternative.

Pornography literally changes our brain to desire more pornography, just like drinking soda will make you want more soda, or that having candy will make you want more candy. Our brains become “wired” to have pornography and to seek it out.

In conclusion, knowing that your impulse to view pornography has a strong tie to the way your brain is wired will help with the recovery process. Quitting pornography isn’t just about abstaining from it, but is about rewiring your brain to stop craving those dopamine hits.

To get there we need to view our recovery like a health challenge. Simply eating a healthy diet for six weeks doesn’t make you healthy just like abstaining from pornography for six weeks doesn’t make you recovered. Rebooting your brain will take time and dedication to restore your life to a state where pornography isn?t a part of it anymore. A good first step is stopping the habit, but fixing the issue will take time.
( At least two months are required to get good results after abstaining.).

For Example:-
This Image will increase your Dopamine Levels to a very upper levels.

pornography muslim porn

Therefore it can cause erectile dysfunction.

 Porn can change and rewire a consumer’s brain.

Believe it or not, studies show that those of us who make more frequent use of pornography have brains that are less connected, less active, and even smaller in some areas. [1] Thanks to modern science, now we know that the brain goes on changing throughout life, [2] constantly rewiring itself and laying down new nerve connections, and that this is particularly true in our youth. [3]

There’s some pretty fierce competition between brain pathways, and those that don’t get used enough will likely be replaced. [4] Use it or lose it, as they say. Only the strong survive.

Watching porn could shrink a part of the brain linked to pleasure, according to a study from 2014. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin looked at the brains of more than 60 men while they looked at pornographic images, and quizzed them on their porn-watching habits.

They found that the striatum, a part of the brain that makes up the reward system, was smaller in those who watched a lot of porn – meaning they might require more graphic material to get aroused. 

Brain Doppler scan images from real peoples


Then there’s a physiological impact. A 2015 study by researchers at the University of California found a rare positive correlation between porn watching and libido, but the consensus is on the opposite side. Last year, for instance, NHS experts noted an increase in erectile dysfunction in otherwise healthy young men, and thought excessive porn use was the most likely factor at play.

“These young men do not have organic disease [so] the cause was only the pornography."

( pornography includes not only videos of sexual activity, but it actually includes the images and photos of beautiful girls, women and it includes the viewing of actual women and their face and their entire body or some part of the women or girls.
Or even the clothes Shalwar, High cut kurta or top and palazzo pants and leggings.and sandals and lingerie items !. and even mannequins !.).




Just like drugs and other addictive substances, porn floods the brain with chemicals, like dopamine. Over time, the brain gets overwhelmed by the constant overload of chemicals and starts to build up a dependency to pornography. As a result, the porn they were looking at in the beginning doesn’t seem as exciting, and many porn users go hunting for more porn or more hardcore porn to get the same rush. Eventually, the chemical release from regular healthy activities aren’t strong enough to register. This leaves the user feeling down or uneasy whenever they go for a while without watching porn.

مریض عشق پر یہ رحمت خدا کی 

مرض بڑھتا ھی گیا جوں جوں دوا کی

The brain releases chemicals when it sees something shocking or surprising. That’s why frequent porn users often find themselves looking for more hardcore material. 

Desensitizing your tools !!!!!! Penis & Brain ?.

Excessive watching of pornography and masturbating can desensitize your brain and your penis to actual stimulants of a woman. When you’re watching porn with augmented bodies and professional make-up do unimaginable, perverse things it’s then hard for real, everyday women to excite you in the proper way. Which will result in unsatisfaction by both parties involved in the sexual intercourse. 

it has an impact on our neurology. When porn is viewed, chemicals in the brain like Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin are released which give us pleasurable feelings and bond us to people, things and experiences. Our brains are constantly creating new pathways as we experience life, the more we visit a pathway the stronger it becomes. Porn can hi-jack our brain by over stimulating the brain with Dopamine, which causes neuro receptors to decrease, and then the novelty of what was first watched starts to wear off. In order to experience the same level of pleasure the brain needs something more arousing, more frequent or novel than before, and so a person is compelled to seek out something more hard-core or more surprising. And so the spiral goes: continuously viewing porn often and more extreme forms of stimulation in order to sustain higher levels pleasure.


What is Dopamine?

Dopamine is a chemical located in the brain that is closely tied with emotions and actions. Its primary function is to carry signals between nerve cells (neurons) in the brain as a neurotransmitter.

What dopamine is best known for–and what we are most interested in–is its association with the reward center of our brain. It is considered to be the major player in reward-motivated behavior.

Dopamine is responsible for those feelings of excitement about getting something new, or doing something that you love. It is the chemical that signifies happiness and enjoyment.  

Dopamine is typically considered to be responsible for learned behaviors, but new research suggests that dopamine is involved with ongoing actions as well. We usually consider dopamine when talking about reward-based behavior (classical learning), when our actions depend upon the type of reward they promote. When a reward produces dopamine we feel good, and thus, we are more likely to repeat the action to continue feeling good.

dopamine molecule

So How Exactly does it Work
Every time we do something, whether it is watching tv, eating food, playing games, etc., our brains release chemicals that dictate how we feel towards that specific action. Our brains then categorize these events as good or bad based upon what chemical is released. When something tastes good, or feels good, dopamine is released which encourages us to seek that action again. This can also be called ?natural reinforcement.?

Natural reinforcement works simple enough. When we have a good snack, our body produces a good amount of dopamine, but when we have an incredible snack, our body releases an incredible amount of dopamine. So, naturally you will want the incredible snack over the good snack.

Think about it, diets aside, would you rather eat some raisins or a fudge brownie with a huge scoop of ice cream?

It should be pretty apparent then, that dopamine plays a huge role in our decisions. Especially those things that give us immediate satisfaction. We typically only consider dopamine to be behind our learned behaviors and not something that is actively assisting in decisions. However, there is some interesting research that has come out this year that might alter that idea.

The Salk Institute performed a study this year which investigates the effects of dopamine on the decisions of mice. The study tracked mice as they made decisions requiring triggering two different levers to get a reward based upon how long the levers had disappeared for. If the triggers disappeared for for 2 seconds the mice were rewarded for pushing the left trigger and at 8 seconds they received a reward from the right trigger.

The scientists realized that the mice were quickly picking up when to switch sides to get the treat. Using real-time brain scans the scientists were able to discern that the mice were making the decisions in correlation to the dopamine release. This suggests that dopamine is involved in ongoing decisions as opposed to the initial learning process.

“We are very excited by these findings because they indicate that dopamine could also be involved in ongoing decision, beyond its well-known role in learning” –Christopher Howard

To test their findings, scientists used some brain-altering devices to change the level of dopamine in real time to try and cause the mice to make a different decision than they normally would. They found that they could force the mice to go whichever direction they wanted to by simply altering the amount of dopamine in their brains.

The idea that dopamine is actually aiding decision-making helps explain what happens during addiction or when we choose behaviors which counteract our beliefs, especially at the risk of negative feelings (guilt, shame, etc.). These findings also suggest that altering the dynamic relationship between dopamine and actions would allow addicts to have better control of their actions.

The craving for dopamine is so strong that it can overcome our body’s defense mechanisms against performing unrewarding behaviors. This is why many men and women (yes women do watch porn as well) will continue to watch pornography even though they know that is wrong or why a drug addict will continue to use even at the expense of their own health.

Pornography and Your Brain
So what happens in your brain when you, your husband, child, significant other, best friend, or anyone else uses pornography?

To start, let’s just state plainly that sexual activity produces large amounts of dopamine. Our bodies are simply wired that way. Sex, masturbation and viewing pornography will ALL cause our brains to produce dopamine, and ultimately crave more of it.

We can become addicted to pornography for precisely that reason. Regular use of pornography will eventually lead to a craving for the dopamine that comes from using it.

The real issue with pornography and dopamine is that pornography is so accessible thanks to the internet. To understand this we must consider the Coolidge Effect, which states that over time, sexual desire will decrease with a single mate and increase with a new one. According to this theory, sexual desire increases from a “newness” factor.

Now, bring pornography into the equation. We have an affinity to want “new” things because they produce more dopamine–more excitement–and with pornography the options for new people is endless. John Mayer actually commented on this, saying:

Mr. John Mayer says,
There have probably been days when I saw 300 [women] before I got out of bed?.Internet pornography has absolutely changed my generation’s expectations.?You’re looking for the one photo out of 100 you swear is going to be the one you finish to, and you still don’t finish. Twenty seconds ago you thought that photo was the hottest thing you ever saw, but you throw it back??

In doing that, we train our bodies to become dependent upon finding a new, exciting “mate” that will meet or exceed our current expectation in order to have the dopamine released. It is no longer enough to simply have sex or be committed to a single woman when pornography is viewed in excess. It creates a relationship where the only thing arousing is novelty.

This is why many pornography addicts experience porn-induced erectile dysfunction and why many men desire to have more sex but are not aroused by their spouse. They have trained their body to be more aroused by an image than a person because the “novelty” image will lead to an increased dopamine response compared to the alternative.

Pornography literally changes our brain to desire more pornography, just like drinking soda will make you want more soda, or that having candy will make you want more candy. Our brains become “wired” to have pornography and to seek it out.

In conclusion, knowing that your impulse to view pornography has a strong tie to the way your brain is wired will help with the recovery process. Quitting pornography isn’t just about abstaining from it, but is about rewiring your brain to stop craving those dopamine hits.

To get there we need to view our recovery like a health challenge. Simply eating a healthy diet for six weeks doesn’t make you healthy just like abstaining from pornography for six weeks doesn’t make you recovered. Rebooting your brain will take time and dedication to restore your life to a state where pornography isn?t a part of it anymore. A good first step is stopping the habit, but fixing the issue will take time.

In a later article we will dive headlong into the process of quitting pornography and what it takes to actually reboot your brain.


Erectile dysfunction and porn

British psychosexual therapist Angela Gregory says more and more men in their late teens and early 20’s are suffering from erectile dysfunction. She puts the blame on people becoming hooked on watching online porn.

“What I’ve seen over the last 16 years, particularly the last five years, is an increase in the amount of younger men being referred,” she said. “Our experience is that historically men that were referred to our clinic with problems with erectile dysfunction were older men whose issues were related to diabetes, MS, cardiovascular disease.”

But those were the days before internet porn. These days, online message boards are flooded with complaints from porn consumers in their teens and 20s complaining that they can’t maintain an erection. [1] But for this kind of ED, the problem isn’t in the penis—it’s in the brain. [2]

“These younger men do not have organic disease, they’ve already been tested by their GP and everything is fine… So one of the first assessment questions I’d always ask now is about pornography habit because that can be the cause of their issues about maintaining an erection with a partner.”

Case of a woman: My Husband Has Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction & Refuses To Have Sex With Me.

The problem is that porn consumers have wired their brain to get aroused by sitting alone in a room looking at virtual images rather than connecting arousal to being with a real person. [3]

Erections are powered by chemicals in the brain’s reward center that are released when a male sees, hears, smells, or feels something that turns him on. [4] The problem for porn consumers is that they’ve hijacked their reward center by using porn to get it to overload on these chemicals. [5] As a result, the consumer’s brain responds by cutting down on the amount of pleasure chemicals it produces and stops responding as well to the chemicals that are being released. [6] It’s like when you’re standing next to a fire alarm that goes off; it’s too much noise so you cover your ears. That’s what porn consumer’s brains are doing. When chemical levels are too high, the brain fights back by blocking some of the flood of chemicals released.

Due to their lowered sexual response and altered brain pathways, many porn consumers find they just can’t get excited enough to maintain an erection.


The Real Remedy for your problem is One and that is you must remain completely away from viewing  any photo of any woman and remain abstinence from pornography for at least ONE COMPLETE YEAR !!!!

That's Why The Islam teaches to the men that keep your gaze away from any women and it is not allowed in Islam to look at any woman for more than few seconds, and women are instructed to wear full clothes and cover their entire body, so nobody could see the body structure.

Note: The husband and wife are exempted from this rule, and the husband can view his wife and the wife can view her husband.


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