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Simulation hypothesis & Simulation Argument & The Matrix concept.
What is Simulation Hypothesis
Are we really living as Simulated characters in a simulated universe ?
for answers please read my article patiently,..
Do you ever wonder about the meaning of life, and in particular your life? Well, of course you do, but maybe you should ease up on the angst. There are academics who say you don’t have a life. You’re just an app.
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've heard at some point in the past few years that some very smart people believe that we are — or at least, that we are almost certainly — living inside a computer simulation. That your life, as you know it, is not a reality in the physical world,
The idea that reality is not as we perceive it to be, or that we live in some sort of illusory world, has long been a staple of science fiction stories. Is the world we see all around us really the one we think it is, or are we living in some sort of complex illusion? One pervasive idea is that everything we see and do is part of a vast, complex simulation run by hyper-advanced computers, and that you, I, and everyone around us are all living in essentially one massive virtual reality program. This concept was most famously portrayed within the realm of science fiction by the Matrix trilogy of films, but is this all just science fiction or is there any truth in such a bizarre notion? Believe it or not, the idea has gained quite a bit of traction and momentum in recent years among scientists, and is not as firmly entrenched within the domain of pure Forteana that you might perhaps expect. So make sure you have a helmet on to prevent the brain splatter of all the mind blowing you are about to receive, and let’s take a look.
Although bandied about for years, this idea, called the “The Simulation Hypothesis,” was first definitively formed and cemented in the public awareness in 2003, by University of Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who proposed that our ancestors far in the future may have reached a point in computing technology that they are able to create whole virtual worlds populated by artificial intelligence programs that exist digitally, us, for the purpose of recreating different eras of their past or their evolutionary history for their own study or amusement.
This disconcerting idea has been most famously promoted by Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University. It goes like this: Everyone knows that historically, as computers became more powerful, programmers started making simulations — mimicking real-life situations in software. Scientists modeled everything from pandemics to planet formation. Soon complex and compelling societal models such as Will Wright’s SimEarth and its brethren emerged.
The characters in such sims were not very clever — they didn’t think. They simply reacted to your keyboard strokes or joystick moves with algorithmic behavior.
But now consider what might happen a few hundred years down the pike, when a simulation can be populated by avatars with advanced artificial intelligence. The characters can act in their own interests, and transcend the hard-wired intentions of the programmer. Presumably, at some level of complexity they become self-aware.
Taking this to its seemingly logical conclusion, a future historian (or curious teenager) wielding programming skills and access to a honking big computer could construct SimEarth on steroids. They could, for example, run a simulation of 15th century European society to see what it was like during the era of the Black Plague: a so-called ancestor simulation. Unlike Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, the people in the simulation wouldn’t know that their lives were merely code running in a machine.
Now if it gets this far, you can bet that the coders won’t run merely one simulation. Someone who has Grand Theft Auto on their machine doesn’t play it just once. They play it a gazillion times. In other words, if ancestor simulations are possible, then they will greatly outnumber real societies. Consequently, it’s very probable that all humanity is in a simulation — that we didn’t get one of those rare lottery tickets that would make us a real society of real beings. Everything you do today (and have ever done) could be just an illusion coded up by some clever Klingon.
You may be distressed by the idea that you’re no more than software running in a computer. You may be dismissing the whole idea as nuts. But if you’re not in a simulation, then Bostrom notes that either one or the other of the following must be true:
Bostrum argued that there was a statistically much higher chance that we are among the simulated rather than the original biological minds that started the whole thing, or what is often called the “base reality.” The whole idea revolves around a “trilemma,” the one in this case which Bostrom called “the simulation argument,” which proposes that one of three scenarios must be true.
I have discussed about these three scenarios in this article, it is called as trilemma, please read carefully.
This talk of living in a virtual reality may all seem to be fairly far-out, but the basic idea has been latched onto and pondered and debated on by a surprising number of philosophers, futurists, technologists, and physicists. One of the most high-profile advocates of the idea that we live in a simulated reality is none other than the billionaire founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk, who has suggested that it is inevitable that the technology to create virtual worlds that are indistinguishable from reality will be created, and that since this will most certainly happen then we almost certainly live in one such construct, saying, “There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality.” As evidence, Musk points to the astronomical advancement of computer technology in recent years.
Musk is not the only one to take this seriously, and the idea has been pondered by many in the scientific community, many of whom most recently got together to discuss it and offer their thoughts on the matter at the 17th annual Isaac Asimov Debate, at New York’s American Museum of Natural History in 2016, which was hosted by the well-known physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The debate sold out in a mere 3 minutes, making it the most popular ever, and the main attraction was a slew of great minds talking over the possibility of whether we exist in a computer simulation or not. The panel featured Tyson, a nuclear physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology named Zohreh Davoudi, cosmologist Max Tegmark, James Gates, a physicist at the University of Maryland, physicist Lisa Randall, and a philosopher from New York University, David Chalmers, all of who tossed in their two cents on the matter.
The idea is that any bugs, short-cuts, or fidelity limitations due to computing power in such a simulation could feasibly be observed and even measured, similar to how even the most life-like images can be broken down into their constituent pixels if studied closely enough. One way to pick up such anomalies would be to study cosmic rays, which could hold hints to the existence of such a simulation. Davoudi elaborated on this by explaining that if this were a simulated program, then these cosmic rays would appear different, perhaps composed of separate interlocking pieces rather than as continuous swaths. Looking for flaws like this or other anomalies, these “glitches in the matrix,” could expose the reality of a computer simulation, depending on the quality and fidelity of the program to begin with.
There is also the fact that everything seems to be broken up into subatomic particles, almost as if these are the “pixels” of our universe, with even time, energy, space, and volume seeming to have finite limits, meaning that they could be computable factors. Likewise, if the universe was a computer simulation, then it would be firmly rooted in rigid mathematics, and the debate brought about ideas on evidence of this in effect. Tegmark in particular pointed out that indeed our universe seems to be very closely tied to math, an idea of which he has written of in his 2014 book Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality. Tegmark has the idea that this reliance on mathematical laws could be a function of the computational nature of the universe,
Reasons to believe that the universe is a simulation include the fact that it behaves mathematically and is broken up into pieces (subatomic particles) like a pixelated video game. “Even things that we think of as continuous – time, energy, space, volume – all have a finite limit to their size. If that’s the case, then our universe is both computable and finite. Those properties allow the universe to be simulated,” Terrile said.
There is also the strange fact that in quantum mechanics, quantum particles only become one way or another when they are actually observed, a fact which has spooked and baffled physicists for years. Those who advocate the idea of a simulated universe have tried to explain this anomaly in terms of a video game needing a conscious player to play. This, plus the fact that there is only so closely we can look into these things without them getting grainy and “fuzzy,” almost as if this were the limit of the “resolution,” has suggested to some scientists that this is exactly what we could expect if reality were computer generated. Then there is the fact that one of the mysteries of the cosmos is that everything seems so extremely fine-tuned to be the way it is, with even minute changes meaning the universe would not exist as it is, if at all, which is particularly evident with the creation of life itself. This could all be due to random factors ending up just so, or it could be evidence of a conscious programmer behind it all.
In the end, it is perhaps impossible to prove or disprove any of this. Not only do we woefully lack the tools we would need to find any errors in such a program, but the program itself could be so flawless as to be beyond our ability to ever find such errors or flaws in the first place. Additionally, if the reality we know is one big virtual world, then it would be hard to trust any of our findings or senses anyway.
Consequences of Believing that we are living in a Simulation.
If the existence of this simulation runs the risk of being shut down or rebooted at any time, there seems to be little we could do about it, and nothing to give us warning. We would simply one day cease to exist, or be reset back to an earlier timeline to relive our lives again, possibly under different parameters. Some interesting ideas of what we could actually do about this have been put forward, with cosmologist Max Tegmark having mused that it is important that we make our simulation entertaining enough for these proposed creators so that they decide not to shut us down.
Another consequence of living in a computer simulated reality would be what happens when we become truly aware that we are within one? What kind of effect would that have on the human mind and our sense of morals or religious beliefs? If the simulation hypothesis is real, it would tie into religious beliefs such as eternal life and reincarnation, as every program could be run again and brought back to life either in the same form or a different body. Imagine the profound effect on spirituality and religion that the awareness of being simulations would bring.
Awareness of being a program could also cause a potential break-down in society or at least tough questions on our existence in other ways, as why would anyone need to care about such things when none of this is “real” anyway? Would this cause people to be more prone to breaking the law or hurting others, or to run amok? Would there be an increased amount of carelessness in peoples’ behavior, or a degradation of their moral or societal values?
Simulation Hypothesis, sometimes called the Simulation Argument, is a concept that’s been bouncing around in scientific circles for several years–and in science fiction stories for several decades.
Nick Bostrom is a philosopher at the University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, super-intelligence risks, and the reversal test. In 2011, he founded the Oxford Martin Program on the Impacts of Future Technology, and he is currently the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University.
He published a philosophical paper in 2003, Stating that probably we are living in an Advanced computer simulated universe. or We might be living in a Computer video game environment, and we might be conscious artificially intelligent Characters in a computer game environment, or simply we are computer scripts, and our environment/ universe is too a virtual reality generated by a supercomputer.
The theory has been seen in science fiction novels, video games, TV shows and movies like The Matrix and Rick and Morty; but the concept became a very real conversation when Oxford philosophy professor Nick Bostrom proposed his trilemma in a paper called Are You Living in a Computer Simulation.
The concept, according to proponents, is that we and all cosmos and all its things including the galaxies and earth and all animals and humans, beginning from the big bang and all reality is actually an incredibly complex computer simulation / (Computer Video Game) created by an advanced civilization. This controlling civilization may be an existing alien culture, or it may be a future generations of humanity, one of many living out into the far-future multiverse of parallel realities.
While the idea itself isn’t particularly new–we’re all familiar with The Matrix movies–what a lot of people don’t know is that Simulation Hypothesis is considered entirely valid, so far as it goes, by a wide range of philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, and meta-physicists. At the 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate in Washington, D.C., celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson hosted a two-hour debate on the subject. Elon Musk has suggested that, considered from a certain point of view, it’s pretty much a lock that we’re living inside of some kind of cosmic hard drive.
I will discuss about the Trilemma of Mr. Niklas Bostrom after few photos and images of computer simulations or video games.
Here I am posting some Photos of the video games for your reference.
The Earlier computer based video games were simple and the men or the actors were not very much beautiful and real looking but slowly our technology progressed and we were able to make real looking men and women in our video games,
please see some of the photos of the video games,
the computer video games are an Example of Simulated reality.
in short Computer generated animations are Simulations.
Our earliest computer video games were not real looking, they were like this.......
Then, as we progressed in computer programming technology and hardware, then our
computer games became some what real looking and beautiful, like this...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
As our technology progressed, our computer generated SIMULATIONS became more realistic
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
These photos which I posted above are computer digital programs, the men, women and cars and buildings, roads and trees all are computer programs, but the characters can walk, run, and fight each other, they are programmed to do so, and we can control their activities, their fate and their victory and their crash and death all are pre programmed but we can change their fate, it is our skill or the skill of (us) the real player we can make our character win or loose in these games, these games and the world in these games is simulated program.
Now I am posting more Photos of the Computer Simulation, the scientist use these simulated programs to understand the actual working of our universe and the interaction of the mass and particles in the Field of gravity or magnetic or electrostatic etc...
The Following are the examples of Simulations of the reality
Simulation of the collision of Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky way Galaxy, by this simulation we can know now at-least 4.0 Billion year before the actual collision that How it will be ...
An Example of the Simulation of our solar system in action, relative motions of the planets are shown here, by this simulation our kids can understand How the planets orbit our sun......
Simulated News Readers
An Example of a Simulation of Bombardment of the asteroids on the early young Earth
An Example of a Simulation of Bombardment of the asteroids on the early young Earth
An excellent Example of the Simulation of the collision of Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky way Galaxy, by this simulation we can know now at-least 4.0 Billion year before the actual collision that How it will be ...
The core of the argument—perhaps made most strenuously by the philosophers David Chalmers and Nick Bostrom—concerns the incredible rate of computer advancement we’ve seen in recent decades, specifically with games and simulations. We’ve gone from the Atari 2600 to high-resolution virtual reality in forty-some years. Projecting that rate of advancement forward, unthinkable amounts of computing power will be available to advanced species, either our own or others in the universe, who might like to create the ultimate cosmic [simulation]. These sims would essentially replicate physical reality down to the subatomic level. Approximated humans within the simulation–that’s us–would be conscious entities.
“If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the [simulations] will become indistinguishable from reality,” Musk says.
Some proponents of the idea take it one step further: If future computers can generate limitless simulated universes, then the likelihood of our current reality being the original universe, or the Prime Reality, is actually quite small. In fact, it’s statistically probable that we’re already living inside some kind of cosmic computational construct.
In short: We’re in the Matrix.
The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of reality, including the earth and the universe, is in fact an artificial simulation, most likely a computer simulation. Some versions rely on the development of a simulated reality, a proposed technology that would seem realistic enough to convince its inhabitants the simulation was real. The hypothesis has been a central plot device of many science fiction stories and films.
Fans of The Matrix perked up at the prospect that we might be living inside a giant computer simulation when Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk raised the hype during the 2016 Code Conference, saying it was entirely possible that we exist inside a simulated universe.
I will explain this Illusion of the world life of the Quran
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( For Medium duration videos about Islamic misconception please click this following Link...).
kurdistan freedom movement
Simulation hypothesis & Simulation Argument & The Matrix concept.
What is Simulation Hypothesis
Are we really living as Simulated characters in a simulated universe ?
for answers please read my article patiently,..
ألواح الميلامين في دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
مهندس ألواح الميلامين في الامارات.
المهندس عيشرت حسين محمد من شركة أمصار لتصنيع الأخشاب في دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
في منطقة جبل علي الصناعية في دبي.
Do you ever wonder about the meaning of life, and in particular your life? Well, of course you do, but maybe you should ease up on the angst. There are academics who say you don’t have a life. You’re just an app.
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've heard at some point in the past few years that some very smart people believe that we are — or at least, that we are almost certainly — living inside a computer simulation. That your life, as you know it, is not a reality in the physical world,
The idea that reality is not as we perceive it to be, or that we live in some sort of illusory world, has long been a staple of science fiction stories. Is the world we see all around us really the one we think it is, or are we living in some sort of complex illusion? One pervasive idea is that everything we see and do is part of a vast, complex simulation run by hyper-advanced computers, and that you, I, and everyone around us are all living in essentially one massive virtual reality program. This concept was most famously portrayed within the realm of science fiction by the Matrix trilogy of films, but is this all just science fiction or is there any truth in such a bizarre notion? Believe it or not, the idea has gained quite a bit of traction and momentum in recent years among scientists, and is not as firmly entrenched within the domain of pure Forteana that you might perhaps expect. So make sure you have a helmet on to prevent the brain splatter of all the mind blowing you are about to receive, and let’s take a look.
Although bandied about for years, this idea, called the “The Simulation Hypothesis,” was first definitively formed and cemented in the public awareness in 2003, by University of Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who proposed that our ancestors far in the future may have reached a point in computing technology that they are able to create whole virtual worlds populated by artificial intelligence programs that exist digitally, us, for the purpose of recreating different eras of their past or their evolutionary history for their own study or amusement.
This disconcerting idea has been most famously promoted by Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University. It goes like this: Everyone knows that historically, as computers became more powerful, programmers started making simulations — mimicking real-life situations in software. Scientists modeled everything from pandemics to planet formation. Soon complex and compelling societal models such as Will Wright’s SimEarth and its brethren emerged.
The characters in such sims were not very clever — they didn’t think. They simply reacted to your keyboard strokes or joystick moves with algorithmic behavior.
But now consider what might happen a few hundred years down the pike, when a simulation can be populated by avatars with advanced artificial intelligence. The characters can act in their own interests, and transcend the hard-wired intentions of the programmer. Presumably, at some level of complexity they become self-aware.
Taking this to its seemingly logical conclusion, a future historian (or curious teenager) wielding programming skills and access to a honking big computer could construct SimEarth on steroids. They could, for example, run a simulation of 15th century European society to see what it was like during the era of the Black Plague: a so-called ancestor simulation. Unlike Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, the people in the simulation wouldn’t know that their lives were merely code running in a machine.
Now if it gets this far, you can bet that the coders won’t run merely one simulation. Someone who has Grand Theft Auto on their machine doesn’t play it just once. They play it a gazillion times. In other words, if ancestor simulations are possible, then they will greatly outnumber real societies. Consequently, it’s very probable that all humanity is in a simulation — that we didn’t get one of those rare lottery tickets that would make us a real society of real beings. Everything you do today (and have ever done) could be just an illusion coded up by some clever Klingon.
You may be distressed by the idea that you’re no more than software running in a computer. You may be dismissing the whole idea as nuts. But if you’re not in a simulation, then Bostrom notes that either one or the other of the following must be true:
Bostrum argued that there was a statistically much higher chance that we are among the simulated rather than the original biological minds that started the whole thing, or what is often called the “base reality.” The whole idea revolves around a “trilemma,” the one in this case which Bostrom called “the simulation argument,” which proposes that one of three scenarios must be true.
I have discussed about these three scenarios in this article, it is called as trilemma, please read carefully.
This talk of living in a virtual reality may all seem to be fairly far-out, but the basic idea has been latched onto and pondered and debated on by a surprising number of philosophers, futurists, technologists, and physicists. One of the most high-profile advocates of the idea that we live in a simulated reality is none other than the billionaire founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk, who has suggested that it is inevitable that the technology to create virtual worlds that are indistinguishable from reality will be created, and that since this will most certainly happen then we almost certainly live in one such construct, saying, “There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality.” As evidence, Musk points to the astronomical advancement of computer technology in recent years.
Musk is not the only one to take this seriously, and the idea has been pondered by many in the scientific community, many of whom most recently got together to discuss it and offer their thoughts on the matter at the 17th annual Isaac Asimov Debate, at New York’s American Museum of Natural History in 2016, which was hosted by the well-known physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The debate sold out in a mere 3 minutes, making it the most popular ever, and the main attraction was a slew of great minds talking over the possibility of whether we exist in a computer simulation or not. The panel featured Tyson, a nuclear physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology named Zohreh Davoudi, cosmologist Max Tegmark, James Gates, a physicist at the University of Maryland, physicist Lisa Randall, and a philosopher from New York University, David Chalmers, all of who tossed in their two cents on the matter.
The idea is that any bugs, short-cuts, or fidelity limitations due to computing power in such a simulation could feasibly be observed and even measured, similar to how even the most life-like images can be broken down into their constituent pixels if studied closely enough. One way to pick up such anomalies would be to study cosmic rays, which could hold hints to the existence of such a simulation. Davoudi elaborated on this by explaining that if this were a simulated program, then these cosmic rays would appear different, perhaps composed of separate interlocking pieces rather than as continuous swaths. Looking for flaws like this or other anomalies, these “glitches in the matrix,” could expose the reality of a computer simulation, depending on the quality and fidelity of the program to begin with.
There is also the fact that everything seems to be broken up into subatomic particles, almost as if these are the “pixels” of our universe, with even time, energy, space, and volume seeming to have finite limits, meaning that they could be computable factors. Likewise, if the universe was a computer simulation, then it would be firmly rooted in rigid mathematics, and the debate brought about ideas on evidence of this in effect. Tegmark in particular pointed out that indeed our universe seems to be very closely tied to math, an idea of which he has written of in his 2014 book Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality. Tegmark has the idea that this reliance on mathematical laws could be a function of the computational nature of the universe,
Reasons to believe that the universe is a simulation include the fact that it behaves mathematically and is broken up into pieces (subatomic particles) like a pixelated video game. “Even things that we think of as continuous – time, energy, space, volume – all have a finite limit to their size. If that’s the case, then our universe is both computable and finite. Those properties allow the universe to be simulated,” Terrile said.
There is also the strange fact that in quantum mechanics, quantum particles only become one way or another when they are actually observed, a fact which has spooked and baffled physicists for years. Those who advocate the idea of a simulated universe have tried to explain this anomaly in terms of a video game needing a conscious player to play. This, plus the fact that there is only so closely we can look into these things without them getting grainy and “fuzzy,” almost as if this were the limit of the “resolution,” has suggested to some scientists that this is exactly what we could expect if reality were computer generated. Then there is the fact that one of the mysteries of the cosmos is that everything seems so extremely fine-tuned to be the way it is, with even minute changes meaning the universe would not exist as it is, if at all, which is particularly evident with the creation of life itself. This could all be due to random factors ending up just so, or it could be evidence of a conscious programmer behind it all.
In the end, it is perhaps impossible to prove or disprove any of this. Not only do we woefully lack the tools we would need to find any errors in such a program, but the program itself could be so flawless as to be beyond our ability to ever find such errors or flaws in the first place. Additionally, if the reality we know is one big virtual world, then it would be hard to trust any of our findings or senses anyway.
Consequences of Believing that we are living in a Simulation.
If the existence of this simulation runs the risk of being shut down or rebooted at any time, there seems to be little we could do about it, and nothing to give us warning. We would simply one day cease to exist, or be reset back to an earlier timeline to relive our lives again, possibly under different parameters. Some interesting ideas of what we could actually do about this have been put forward, with cosmologist Max Tegmark having mused that it is important that we make our simulation entertaining enough for these proposed creators so that they decide not to shut us down.
Another consequence of living in a computer simulated reality would be what happens when we become truly aware that we are within one? What kind of effect would that have on the human mind and our sense of morals or religious beliefs? If the simulation hypothesis is real, it would tie into religious beliefs such as eternal life and reincarnation, as every program could be run again and brought back to life either in the same form or a different body. Imagine the profound effect on spirituality and religion that the awareness of being simulations would bring.
Awareness of being a program could also cause a potential break-down in society or at least tough questions on our existence in other ways, as why would anyone need to care about such things when none of this is “real” anyway? Would this cause people to be more prone to breaking the law or hurting others, or to run amok? Would there be an increased amount of carelessness in peoples’ behavior, or a degradation of their moral or societal values?
Simulation Hypothesis, sometimes called the Simulation Argument, is a concept that’s been bouncing around in scientific circles for several years–and in science fiction stories for several decades.
Nick Bostrom is a philosopher at the University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, super-intelligence risks, and the reversal test. In 2011, he founded the Oxford Martin Program on the Impacts of Future Technology, and he is currently the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University.
He published a philosophical paper in 2003, Stating that probably we are living in an Advanced computer simulated universe. or We might be living in a Computer video game environment, and we might be conscious artificially intelligent Characters in a computer game environment, or simply we are computer scripts, and our environment/ universe is too a virtual reality generated by a supercomputer.
The theory has been seen in science fiction novels, video games, TV shows and movies like The Matrix and Rick and Morty; but the concept became a very real conversation when Oxford philosophy professor Nick Bostrom proposed his trilemma in a paper called Are You Living in a Computer Simulation.
The concept, according to proponents, is that we and all cosmos and all its things including the galaxies and earth and all animals and humans, beginning from the big bang and all reality is actually an incredibly complex computer simulation / (Computer Video Game) created by an advanced civilization. This controlling civilization may be an existing alien culture, or it may be a future generations of humanity, one of many living out into the far-future multiverse of parallel realities.
While the idea itself isn’t particularly new–we’re all familiar with The Matrix movies–what a lot of people don’t know is that Simulation Hypothesis is considered entirely valid, so far as it goes, by a wide range of philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, and meta-physicists. At the 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate in Washington, D.C., celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson hosted a two-hour debate on the subject. Elon Musk has suggested that, considered from a certain point of view, it’s pretty much a lock that we’re living inside of some kind of cosmic hard drive.
I will discuss about the Trilemma of Mr. Niklas Bostrom after few photos and images of computer simulations or video games.
Here I am posting some Photos of the video games for your reference.
The Earlier computer based video games were simple and the men or the actors were not very much beautiful and real looking but slowly our technology progressed and we were able to make real looking men and women in our video games,
please see some of the photos of the video games,
the computer video games are an Example of Simulated reality.
in short Computer generated animations are Simulations.
Our earliest computer video games were not real looking, they were like this.......
and like this......
Then, as we progressed in computer programming technology and hardware, then our
computer games became some what real looking and beautiful, like this...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Then, our computer games became more and more real looking...
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
As our technology progressed, our computer generated SIMULATIONS became more realistic
Now look at this game, it is almost real in looking.....
Now I am posting more Photos of the Computer Simulation, the scientist use these simulated programs to understand the actual working of our universe and the interaction of the mass and particles in the Field of gravity or magnetic or electrostatic etc...
The Following are the examples of Simulations of the reality
Simulation of the collision of Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky way Galaxy, by this simulation we can know now at-least 4.0 Billion year before the actual collision that How it will be ...
An Example of the Simulation of our solar system in action, relative motions of the planets are shown here, by this simulation our kids can understand How the planets orbit our sun......
Simulated News Readers
An Example of a Simulation of a Galaxy under formation
An Example of a Simulation of Bombardment of the asteroids on the early young Earth
An Example of a Simulation of Bombardment of the asteroids on the early young Earth
An excellent Example of the Simulation of the collision of Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky way Galaxy, by this simulation we can know now at-least 4.0 Billion year before the actual collision that How it will be ...
These were the examples of Computer simulations of the space, our Earth, our Solar System and our Galaxy and other Galaxies and the Deep space.
This kind of computer programs are called as Simulations in general usage, the computer video games are nothing but the Simulations, here the computer programmers are making the digital bits to appear in the form of Humans, and buildings for a computer game.
The Characters of a computer game are nothing but digital bits, As you know that in video games we can choose costumes for our selected players, we can choose the ammunition, we can choose the color of the cars and even we can choose the looks of our player and we can choose many many things.
Now it will be easier for you to understand what the top scientists are talking now a days...
The simulation hypothesis & Simulation Argument is a philosophical argument, I will try to keep our discussion as simple as possible for the readers who are not very well familiar with the scientific terms and mathematical equations, therefore I will keep our discussion more friendly for all readers.
Let us again begin with the discussion about the simulation hypothesis & Simulation Argument.
“If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the [simulations] will become indistinguishable from reality,” Musk says.
Some proponents of the idea take it one step further: If future computers can generate limitless simulated universes, then the likelihood of our current reality being the original universe, or the Prime Reality, is actually quite small. In fact, it’s statistically probable that we’re already living inside some kind of cosmic computational construct.
In short: We’re in the Matrix.
The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of reality, including the earth and the universe, is in fact an artificial simulation, most likely a computer simulation. Some versions rely on the development of a simulated reality, a proposed technology that would seem realistic enough to convince its inhabitants the simulation was real. The hypothesis has been a central plot device of many science fiction stories and films.
Proponents of a simulated universe theory like Musk and popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson often point to the increasingly-complex capabilities of today’s computer systems as proof that reality can be emulated. In a simulated universe, which was made popular by British philosopher Nicholas Bostrom in 2003, it’s very likely that some advanced future civilization developed equally-advanced computer simulations of past civilizations — past here referring to our present, obviously — in one giant virtual reality experience. Supposedly, these advanced computer models run in a fashion like today’s computer games, many of which produce an interactive simulation of ancient civilizations.
This is the Argument proposed by the Top scientists and philosophers,
In simple words, they inform us that we are characters of a computer game played by some advanced civilizations, who have ultra advanced computers and ultra advanced technology and we are in side their computer screen.
The Simulation Hypothesis says that " Our Simulators made every effort to convince us that we are real", they made laws and when we test the things it is so programmed that it feels us real".
In this simulation, our Simulators made everything to work on certain laws, therefore when we test it gives us persistent results, for example, if we want to test that whether we are real or not by touching something say a stone, then there are laws governing the gravity, and we feel weight in our touching hands, and we becomes convinced that it is real. This is same for other things, such as the light and energy and other things.
The Trilemma !
The Simulation Hypothesis says that " Our Simulators made every effort to convince us that we are real", they made laws and when we test the things it is so programmed that it feels us real".
In this simulation, our Simulators made everything to work on certain laws, therefore when we test it gives us persistent results, for example, if we want to test that whether we are real or not by touching something say a stone, then there are laws governing the gravity, and we feel weight in our touching hands, and we becomes convinced that it is real. This is same for other things, such as the light and energy and other things.
The Trilemma !
University of Oxford Philosopher Nick Bostorm published a paper in 2003,
In 2003, philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed that he called "the simulation argument". Bostrom's Three option puzzle argues that one of three unlikely-seeming propositions is almost certainly true:
(1) "The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage (that is, one capable of running high-fidelity ancestor simulations) is very close to zero", or
The answer of this point can be " YES or NO "
(2) "The fraction of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is very close to zero", or
The answer of this point can be " YES or NO "
(3) "The fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one".
The answer of this point can be " YES or NO "
If the Answer of the First point is NO, then point Two and point Three are valid,
If the Answer of the First point is YES, then point Two and point Three are invalid,
If the Answer of Point Two is NO, then Point Three is VALID.
What this means ?, this means that There is SIMULATION !
The trilemma/ the three option puzzle points out that a technologically mature "posthuman" civilization would have enormous computing power; if even a tiny percentage of them were to run "ancestor simulations" (that is, "high-fidelity" simulations of ancestral life that would be indistinguishable from reality to the simulated ancestor), the total number of simulated ancestors, or "Sims", in the universe (or multiverse, if it exists) would greatly exceed the total number of actual ancestors.
Bostrom goes on to use a type of anthropic reasoning to claim that, if the third proposition is the one of those three that is true, and almost all people with our kind of experiences live in simulations, then we are almost certainly living in a simulation.
This is the Modern Simulation Argument, the Hollywood Film The Matrix was based on this concept.
Let us discuss about the concept and its origins,
The Universe and we all are illusion, this concept is not new, it was present since centuries in some religions, but their concept was different from this modern concept of simulation.
The religious thinking was in the direction of Magic, they were thinking that some things are illusions.
René Descartes has something like this, and There is a long philosophical and scientific history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion. This skeptical hypothesis can be traced back to antiquity; for example, to the "Butterfly Dream" of Zhuangzi, or the Indian philosophy of Maya.
Our modern concept is based on philosophy and not on Magic.
How this concept arose in modern 21st century ?
Actually all the scientific community including the cosmologists and physical scientists and mathematicians and chemical scientists and philosophers were trying to explore the mysteries of our existence and the matter and energy, as our science progressed we discovered chemicals, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure and subatomic particle and the reaction and interactions of the particles, our modern science provided us with the knowledge of gravity, light, mass and motion and energy and light and our knowledge increased due to theory of relativity and quantum theory.
The Theory of Relativity and the Quantum theory provided us deep insight into the matter and energy and subatomic particles.
After studying Quantum theory we found that each and every subatomic particle is further divided and has some other characteristics, which cannot be explained or which cannot be certainly understood.
As we go on further studying the nature of space and matter, we finds each and everything becomes mathematically bound and particulate in nature in other words it becomes pixelated or digital pixel like or discrete and non continuous, for example the light ray becomes particles or corpuscles.
As we go on further studying the nature of space and matter, we finds each and everything becomes mathematically bound and particulate in nature in other words it becomes pixelated or digital pixel like or discrete and non continuous, for example the light ray becomes particles or corpuscles.
This study gave us more questions than answers, there were anomalies, there were strange behaviors, there were limits to the things which we considered continuous, such as the Time and Space, We considered the time as continuous, we considered the Space as continuous, but we found that these things are also not continuous but they are dual or binary in nature or they have limits and they are like particles, for example the Light, the Light is not continuous, it behaves as particles ans as well as waves, it has a limit on it's speed.
The Quantum theory and the Theory of Relativity gave us more and more strange and mysterious information about the energy and mass.
As we go further studying them they keep unfolding new mysteries and the series was not stopping anywhere.
We go discovering particle after particle and there is no end.
It seems like that the matter and energy are playing with us a non ending game of hide and seek.
As we further go deep in the Quantum nature of the science exploration we found that each and every thing has binary or dual in nature which can be said roughly as digital in nature, each and every particle and sub particle has uncertain positions unless and until we observe them.
There are some spooky actions too in modern science, there are Quantum tunneling effect, there is entangle particle scenario and there are vacuum fluctuations, and casimir effect these things are very mysterious and worrisome for our most ultra modern scientists.
Although our progress in scientific knowledge provided us answers of hundreds of previously unanswered questions but our progress in scientific knowledge also raised many hard to understand questions,
One of such a question is the question of life on other places in the universe, in spite of higher probability of existence of millions of life supporting planets in the universe and also in multiverses, we did not got even a clue about other life in the universe,
This is a big question, Why we are Alone? , if the universe can support life and if it has enough resources to support and maintain life, then Why there is no trace of any sort of life in the universe?
This is strange situation. in this situation we can think that Are the other intelligent life form / Aliens are deliberately in hiding from us?, Are we really in Simulations?
Although our progress in scientific knowledge provided us answers of hundreds of previously unanswered questions but our progress in scientific knowledge also raised many hard to understand questions,
One of such a question is the question of life on other places in the universe, in spite of higher probability of existence of millions of life supporting planets in the universe and also in multiverses, we did not got even a clue about other life in the universe,
This is a big question, Why we are Alone? , if the universe can support life and if it has enough resources to support and maintain life, then Why there is no trace of any sort of life in the universe?
This is strange situation. in this situation we can think that Are the other intelligent life form / Aliens are deliberately in hiding from us?, Are we really in Simulations?
And as we study further, we found that everything is fine tuned, from a invisible subatomic particle to massive Galaxies and their motions.
We found that everything is well programmed !, well thought and well planned !
When our scientists studied the mass, atoms, energy and the gravity and the universe, they found each and everything is elegantly bound by some laws, there are laws for everything, there is mathematics in each and everything.
The presence of mathematics in everything hints the scientists that there must be someone who created these laws and complex mathematics.
The mathematics is not simple, it is not merely the Addition and Subtraction or plus and minus and division and multiplication, but it is higher math, it is transformations, it is integrations, it is derivatives, it is exponential it is Fourier series and it is very complex mathematics even so complex that even humans need to be more intelligent to understand them.
If this universe is not created by the Biblical God, then why there is so much advanced mathematics in the universe?, Why this universe is not made with Simple and innocent particles?
Therefore who created this much complex mathematics in everything ?
When our scientists studied the mass, atoms, energy and the gravity and the universe, they found each and everything is elegantly bound by some laws, there are laws for everything, there is mathematics in each and everything.
The presence of mathematics in everything hints the scientists that there must be someone who created these laws and complex mathematics.
The mathematics is not simple, it is not merely the Addition and Subtraction or plus and minus and division and multiplication, but it is higher math, it is transformations, it is integrations, it is derivatives, it is exponential it is Fourier series and it is very complex mathematics even so complex that even humans need to be more intelligent to understand them.
If this universe is not created by the Biblical God, then why there is so much advanced mathematics in the universe?, Why this universe is not made with Simple and innocent particles?
Therefore who created this much complex mathematics in everything ?
As far today we do not have explanations even to most basic questions in science, such as from where the energy came into existence? and what is the Energy at all ?
and What is the Space ? and what is the Time?
This situation of worries of our scientific knowledge gave a breeding ground for thinking that all these mysteries of Quantum physics and all it's anomalies are nothing but deliberate acts of hiding something from the observers.
And Who is Hiding?
There must be someone ?, but it must not be the God!
And in this situation our modern computer technology and it's fast paced progress enable us to build computer games and scientific research purpose SIMULATIONS, this video games and scientific Simulations gave us hints of Simulations.
Thus The Simulation Argument got grounds.
Now I will answer here that WE ARE NOT LIVING under a SIMULATED Universe.
The Concept that we are living in a simulated universe and we and all this universe is nothing but an illusion or a Simulated game and we are the characters and the universe is illusionery, same as the world / the roads and cities etc in the video games is also simulated, and the main difference of the video games and us is this that we are conscious characters and our video game characters are not conscious, because we are not so far advanced in Artificial Intelligence, but our creators who created us as Simulations are more and most Ultra advance therefore they made us conscious Simulations or we are SIMS, This concept is FLAWED.
Why this concept is FLAWED ?
I will provide Two Answers.
First answer.
It is Flawed because it is not possible to simulate entire Cosmos with all its intricate details down to the Quantum level for all it's atoms.
We hate to burst your bubble Nick Bostrom and Elon Musk, but it looks like there’s no massive extraterrestrial computer with an epic program underlying all of existence. And it turns out the disproof didn’t use philosophy, either.
It is Flawed because it is not possible to simulate entire Cosmos with all its intricate details down to the Quantum level for all it's atoms.
We hate to burst your bubble Nick Bostrom and Elon Musk, but it looks like there’s no massive extraterrestrial computer with an epic program underlying all of existence. And it turns out the disproof didn’t use philosophy, either.
To create a computer program, which accounts for all atoms of a cosmos needs a computer made from billions of times more atoms than the Cosmos whose simulation we want to make !
Are we living in a giant computer simulation? Probably not. According to a new study by astrophysicists from Oxford University, the likelihood that we exist in a simulated universe becomes practically impossible under normal quantum circumstances.
A recent study by theoretical physicists from Oxford University in the U.K., which was published in the journal Scientific Advances just last week, definitively confirms that life and reality aren’t products of a computer simulation. The researchers, led by Zohar Ringel and Dmitry Kovrizhi, arrived at this conclusion by observing a novel link between gravitational anomalies and computational complexity.
But according to the new research, creating such a large simulated universe is practically impossible. The simple reason: there’s not enough particles in the known universe that could sustain the computing power necessary for a simulation of this scale.
The Oxford team checked by asking what it would take to construct a computer simulation powerful enough to exhibit quantum many-body effects. For those uninitiated in quantum speculation (most of us included), that just refers to physical problems requiring large amounts of interacting particles. Specifically, they tested an anomaly known as the quantum Hall effect using a technique called quantum Monte Carlo — a computational method that uses random sampling to study complex quantum systems.
They realized that to accurately model quantum phenomena occurring in metals, a simulation needs to be extremely complex. The complexity increased exponentially as the number of particles required for full-bore simulation grew. The more larger the simulation, the greater the computing power required. In short, it’s always unworkable. It’s physically impossible — and they only attempted to model a portion of the physical universe.
To store information about a couple hundred electrons, they noted, one needs a computer memory that requires more atoms than what’s available in the universe. “However, one cannot exclude the possibility that some inherent physical property creates an obstruction to efficient classical simulations of many-body quantum systems,” the researchers wrote.
According to the research team’s best approximations, it would require a terabyte of RAM to store just 20 spins of a single particle on the quantum level.
For the simulation to be real looking, it must mimic all phenomena in real life, such as every details of the subatomic particles and every details of all the strange life cycles of all insects and parasites, we still do not know how many life forms are there in the earth alone, Therefore it is not possible to write down scripts for these details in a computer to make a simulation real looking and real in appearance.
For the simulation to be real looking, it must mimic all phenomena in real life, such as every details of the subatomic particles and every details of all the strange life cycles of all insects and parasites, we still do not know how many life forms are there in the earth alone, Therefore it is not possible to write down scripts for these details in a computer to make a simulation real looking and real in appearance.
“If one tries to extrapolate this to few hundreds of spins, then building a computer with such a memory would require more atoms than there are in the universe,” Kovrizhin says.
This physical constraint is enough to prevent any ultra-intelligent beings from the future, extraterrestrial or otherwise, from creating such a maddeningly intricate and complex universe like ours. Contrary to what both Musk and Tyson claim to believe, perhaps today’s advances in technology are simply the result of human ingenuity and not some pre-programmed (or -ordained) reality in a megalithic hard drive from the future.
If you want to simulate the universe (let’s say with a futuristic super computer) in order to understand phenomenons, you will need some % of the processor, and some % of the memory to run the simulation. In the end, the computer will not be able to simulate more particules than it is made of, and therefore, even if the universe was solely composed of these super computers, it would not be enough to simulate all the particles.
Probably you can’t run more simulations than the atoms or molecules a computer is made of.
Second Answer.
Simulation Hypothesis Claim is Flawed.
It is flawed because, the Characters whom we see on the Computer screens are made to be seen by us !
Simulation Hypothesis Claim is Flawed.
It is flawed because, the Characters whom we see on the Computer screens are made to be seen by us !
We cannot see the electric current flowing in the computer, therefore the computer programmers made formats for the screen where the electric currents can be made to be seen as designed.
The Characters of the Video game are Digital binary numbers, these numbers are fighting each other and Racing Cars and Playing Foot Ball, but they cannot see each other, But only We can see them on the computer screen or Monitor !
Why we can see them, we can see them because the computer has a special program to make them appear for us,
Otherwise these program cannot see each other nor they are aware that other programs and backgrounds are running along with them in the computer.
If we were SIMS, then we would not had able to see each other, as we might be digital bits, and digital bits cannot see,
If we were on computer hard disc, HOW can different programs on different tracks of a Hard disc see each other ?
If we were SIMS, then we would not had able to see each other, as we might be digital bits, and digital bits cannot see,
If we were on computer hard disc, HOW can different programs on different tracks of a Hard disc see each other ?
This is the Flaw in the Simulation Argument.
According to the Simulation Argument, the simulated beings are not only acting and working but they are aware of each other, they know each other, they interact with each-other inside the computer hard disc, this is STRANGE concept.
The Simulated people are program and apps, they are on different locations in the RAM or ROM or Hard Disc, the Apps and programs cannot see each other.
If according to Simulation Hypothesis if we are SIMS, then we are on the computer, on it's monitor and in it's Memory chips, then we are made to be seen.
And How long they can run a simulation on their computers?, can they run for Billions of years?, or the time which we perceive is also an illusion?, Are we perceiving wrong time?, what we are perceiving is 13.8 Billion years since the Big Bang, but it might be few months actually for our simulators?, isn't it?.
There cannot be any machine in the universe which can function for billions of years without failures and deterioration and natural wears and tears and atomic material loss.
And our perception of the time is also not wrong, What is wrong it is the theory of Simulation, it is our over hyper activism and a type of phobia which makes us to agree to accept such theories and to propose such theories in the influence of fear of unknown.
And How long they can run a simulation on their computers?, can they run for Billions of years?, or the time which we perceive is also an illusion?, Are we perceiving wrong time?, what we are perceiving is 13.8 Billion years since the Big Bang, but it might be few months actually for our simulators?, isn't it?.
There cannot be any machine in the universe which can function for billions of years without failures and deterioration and natural wears and tears and atomic material loss.
And our perception of the time is also not wrong, What is wrong it is the theory of Simulation, it is our over hyper activism and a type of phobia which makes us to agree to accept such theories and to propose such theories in the influence of fear of unknown.
Therefore my conclusion is that we are not living in a Simulation.
We are real and It is not possible for whatever advanced civilization be to create simulated universe.
The premise that our Technology is constantly growing and during last Hundred years we were nothing, but today we are in the space and we are on the Mars and Jupiter and Sun, therefore in future we will be more advance, so much so that we will have infinite computer power and infinite technology, this premise is WRONG, our Technology will Halt one day ! there will be a time when there cannot be further progress in science and technology and knowledge.
Why ?, why because as per Quantum physics everything has finally a limit, isn't it ?
The Space has a limit, the plank Distance, The Time has limit, The plank Time, the Light has a limit, the C, and so on the matter and energy has limits the Binary digital nature, Either 0 or 1.
Therefore there is a limit to our technological progress, our technology started growing from last two centuries and now we already feeling the stall in the progress of the technology.
Our technology is not growing that fast as it grew during 1700 to 1945 AD.
Our growth in science and technology has slowed down after 1945 after World War 2. and now Europe and America is in decline !
Our growth in science and technology has slowed down after 1945 after World War 2. and now Europe and America is in decline !
Therefore The Answer for First point NO and Second point of Dr. Nick Bostrom is YES, and the Third point is therefore INVALID.
Now There are some References from the Quran, there might be someone who can say that the Quran says that this world is Illusion & the Simulation hypothesis is supported by Islam, therefore I will provide some explanation of those verses of the Quran.
Quran Chapter 57 verse 14 and Quran Chapter 31 verse 27
Chapter 3 verse 185 and Quran Chapter 22 verse 47
Chapter 3 verse 185 and Quran Chapter 22 verse 47
Quran Chapter 29 verse 64 and Chapter 57 verse 20
"...The life of this world is nothing but an illusion."
[al-Hadeed - 57:20]
And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.
And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.
I will explain this Illusion of the world life of the Quran
To simulate the entire universe, which we will feel real needs more atoms than available, second thing, the God says that the God and his knowledge and his blessings are so numerous that " If all trees of the world became Pen and all oceans became the Ink and more such quantity is added then also you will never encompass his words.
Quran Chapter 31 verse 27
Quran Chapter 31 verse 27
In order we to be in computer simulations, first we need to write-down a computer script for all the details of the cosmos, then they can run this simulation on a computer, also they have to write down each and every script for creating our environment and the universe where they plan us to live in, this need to be written-down as a computer script or a computer program algorithm, they must write each and every detail down to the sub atomic and sub particle level, and every detail of life cycles of insects and parasites.
The Quran says " You cannot write down the words of the God, even if all oceans becomes ink and all trees becomes pens even if you add more such ink and pens".
The Quran says " You cannot write down the words of the God, even if all oceans becomes ink and all trees becomes pens even if you add more such ink and pens".
Therefore it is not possible according to Islam to make a simulation of the universe by writing-down a program script.
The Quran said in the Chapter 3 verse 185, and Chapter 57 verse 20, that
And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.
This Delusion or Illusion is metaphor, it is not real illusion, the God says that in comparison to the life of the Paradise this life of the world is Delusion like.
Quran Chapter 22 verse 47 say that " A day of the God is 1000 years of this world of humanity".
The perception of the Time is same for us and the God, our Thousand years are his one day, his one day is equal to our Thousand years, there is no question of different perception of time, time is same for everyone.
The God is omnipotent only he can make any simulations if he wills to run.
The Simulation argument does not exclude the existence of the God, " Who created our Simulators?", Our Simulators who are running our Simulation are not the God, but they are the creation of the God.
The discussion about the Simulation will not lead us to any sane and productive outcome, therefore we should not avoid the God by buying into such arguments and hypotheses.
There is important link in Islam regarding the Illusions in the End Times, these links are in the Islamic Eschatology.
Quran Chapter 22 verse 47 say that " A day of the God is 1000 years of this world of humanity".
The perception of the Time is same for us and the God, our Thousand years are his one day, his one day is equal to our Thousand years, there is no question of different perception of time, time is same for everyone.
The God is omnipotent only he can make any simulations if he wills to run.
The Simulation argument does not exclude the existence of the God, " Who created our Simulators?", Our Simulators who are running our Simulation are not the God, but they are the creation of the God.
The discussion about the Simulation will not lead us to any sane and productive outcome, therefore we should not avoid the God by buying into such arguments and hypotheses.
There is important link in Islam regarding the Illusions in the End Times, these links are in the Islamic Eschatology.
There are predictions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Hadiths and there is a complete science of Eschatology in Islam regarding the End of the world and the Day of the Judgement.
We can call the Islamic Eschatology as the End times predictions, the End time predictions are also in the Quran, but the Hadith have them very clear and elaborated, and Surprisingly 90 % of the predictions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH turned true till today and remaining 10% are still for the future.
There is an Especial prediction of the Dajjal,
The meaning of the Dajjal is the One who deceives, who conceals or who makes Illusions and Delusions.
It is prophesied in Islamic Hadiths, that the Dajjal will come during the End Times, He will show Illusions and make people believe in his supernatural powers.
It is prophesied in Islamic Hadiths, that the Dajjal will come during the End Times, He will show Illusions and make people believe in his supernatural powers.
The Dajjal will show the dead parents and ancestors to his followers, this is in Hadiths predictions.
Our Modern Simulation Hypothesis Describes that our descendants will run Ancestor Simulations, and we are their Ancestors.
The Modern Simulation Hypothesis Says that WE ARE the Dead Ancestors, We are Illusions, we are not REAL !
The Modern Simulation Hypothesis Says that WE ARE the Dead Ancestors, We are Illusions, we are not REAL !
We are already dead, and we are only the Simulations of Us, i.e. we are the dead Ancestors.
This concept is the Concept of the Dajjal, who will show the dead parents.
The Simulation Arguments says that we are Illusions, we are dead.
This concept is also the Concept of the Dajjal, who is the Master of Illusion.
The Dajjal in Islam is Anti Christ.
The Dajjal will make Illusions, he will grow food he will rain water from the sky whenever he wills.
Finally I am saying that We are real and there is no SIMULATION and there will never forever.
The Simulation Hypothesis is nothing more than the Theory of the Dajjal/ anti Christ.
The Simulation Hypothesis paves the foundations for arrival of the anti Christ, the Simulation Argument is nothing but a process to make people believe in the supernatural and illusions and delusions, such as shown in the movie The Matrix.
The Simulation Hypothesis is nothing more than the Theory of the Dajjal/ anti Christ.
The Simulation Hypothesis paves the foundations for arrival of the anti Christ, the Simulation Argument is nothing but a process to make people believe in the supernatural and illusions and delusions, such as shown in the movie The Matrix.
Please click on this link for further reading
( For Medium duration videos about Islamic misconception please click this following Link...).
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