Monday, February 5, 2018

crisis, persecution, muslims, Muslim Problems, Solution for muslims

Hard time for muslims, problems of muslims, joblessness, weak economically, financially weak, bleak future, persecution of muslims, distress, poverty, discrimination, hate speech, atrocities, problems of muslims, solution for muslims, final solution, backwardness, economically weak muslims, persecution of muslims, terrorism, poverty in muslims.

( For Medium duration videos about Islamic misconception please click this following Link...).


If Allah loves a people, then he afflicts them with trials. Whoever is patient has the reward of patience, and whoever is impatient has the fault of impatience.

Source: Musnad Ah?mad 23122, Grade: Sahih

Allah swt says in the Quran:

And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sâbirun (the patient),( Holly Quran 2:155)

There are advertisements in Urdu and Muslim news papers and printed media about Classes for teaching Beauty Parlor courses and  Mobile repairing courses and About health and fitness classes and cooking and cake making classes and about small house hold businesses which can be done at home ETC ETC, Mehndi (Henna) Design courses, All these courses are either free or with minimum fees, they also assure that you can earn handsome money working part-time from your home!

All Muslims Must be aware and must know that These Classes are nothing but Grooming outlets, these classes gather information of Muslim Girls and Boys, Their Mobile numbers, their Addressees, their Economic condition and their free time hours, during the admission process and during the classes itself, these kind of classes are conducted by sex grooming gangs targeting vulnerable muslim women and girls.

These classes teach the cake making or Beauty parlor techniques along with gathering information from Muslim girls and  Share these information with the Brothel owners and Pimps and Criminals and Grooming gangs who use this mobile numbers to call and advertise about sex business and Assure that your activity will remain secret and no body will know that what you are doing and you can earn good money, for example US Dollars  $ 30 to 60  Daily.

Therefore all Muslims must be Aware about these malicious people, and their courses and classes, please do not share your Mobile Phone Number and your personal information at the time of admission, Such as What is your fathers business, weather he is alive or dead, Do he have any bad habit, How he behaves with your family, What is his age, Are you Bread winner in your Family,  How many brothers and sisters do you have, ETC.

These classes gives a blank form at the time of admissions seeking all information.

Please do not enroll in such classes, only enroll in the classes conducted by Good Muslims only, Good and Known Muslim trusts and organizations Only.

This is a long discussion therefore I request you to read it patiently; Allah will reward all of us, Insha’Allah.
Here in this blog I am discussing 3 (Three) important issues of Muslim Ummah,

(1) The Joblessness of Muslim Youths, and present harsh conditions for Muslims, our poverty and social evils, 
(2) Revival of a Forgotten Sunnah of our Prophet PBUH and its contribution in re-uniting Muslims.
(3) Third issue is our lack of unity and sectarianism.
Insha’Allah the revival of a forgotten Sunnah will solve our all three problems at once and for all and we Muslims will again taste the taste of golden days of Rashidun Caliphate.
Each & every Sunnah of our Prophet PBUH is a blessing for all of us.
Reviving a Sunnah will revive our dead Ummah again to life.

In the time of trouble and hardship and poverty & distress and joblessness the Muslims needs someone who gives them Jobs, gives them support, gives them hope, gives them shelter, and gives them strength to endeavor the hard times and the Muslims need someone who has sympathy with them and who supports the grieving Muslims. 
Who will support Muslims?  In our bad time?
Only we Muslims can support our self, no other person will give us comfort,.
How to support our self?
To support our self we need to know about our own strengths, & weakness.
What are our strengths?  In addition to our weaknesses?
Let me summarize it as follows,
We Muslims are in millions and millions in population, we are in each city and village and town,
Instead of spending our money in unnecessary eating Kentucky and Chinese fast foods and instead of wasting our money in marriage ceremonies and multi food feasts after marriages and instead of wasting our hard earned money in latest cars and bikes and mobile phones and clothes and dresses, and wasting money in ijtemas (religious gathering) we must consider gathering the money for the benefit of our society, the money spent on our society will come back to you in the form of happy society and strong Ummah and the reward from the Allah will be extra benefit for us.

Just for an example, The upcoming Tablighi Ijtema  costs us 1.3 Million US Dollars.  In these 1300000 Dollars we might have started at least 4 Factories, Many shopping malls & Many trading businesses, which might have offered Jobs to hundreds of young Muslims, and hundreds of families might have become happy, but In this ijtema of Three days we are  wasting all this public money, and we are nowhere now.
Today the Muslims are in trouble, We are living among the most hostile enemies, muslims are denied Jobs, muslim youths are well educated but they do not have jobs, they are devoid of government jobs, they are denied in private industries and businesses, muslim youth are well educated, they are B.A,  B. Com, Engineers, B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, Architects, Pharmacists, B.C.A. M.C.A, B.B.A. M.B.A, D.Eds, Diplomas, M. Com, etc, etc, but their education cannot bring them bread, in such situations we should not beg to the government for employments but in such situation we must unite and gather money and we must start our own factories and businesses. 
We muslims are a nation in ourselves, we are in millions and billions among the non muslims, we are humans and we have our needs, such as we need clothes, we need food items, We need Clothes, we need fridge, we need washing machines, we need fan and air coolers, we need Television sets and computers, we need Air conditioning and we need furniture, we need education and we need books, we need motor cycles and we need cars, we need cosmetics, we need personal hygienic products, soaps and washing powders, we need building materials, bricks, cement, etc,  if we need all these items, then why we should not provide ourselves all these items ?, Now we should start our own factories and trading and business to provide ourselves these goods, in this manner we can offer jobs to our youths, Come let us collect money from muslims and start our own business !, I agree that in the beginning our factories will not produce good quality Fans and refrigerators and motor cycles, but at least we can provide jobs to our educated unemployed youths, then slowly our quality will also improve.
Instead of wasting money in marriages and in Religious gatherings and wasting money by purchasing all these mentioned items from non muslim traders, why we cannot gather money from muslims to start a Factory, we muslims are in millions and billions in each country, we can gather money and start Factories in each and every town and village, these factories will provide employments to our youths. We are nation in ourselves, we are equal to some countries in population, and we are our own country. Please do not wait and hope from others for help, help our self.
We are in millions and billions across every country, if we try to gather ONE Dollar 1$ per person and per month, then we can gather millions and billions of money per month, therefore we can open factories and businesses per month in each and every city, village, town, this only is possible if we have unity, and our selected Ameer can provide us the desired unity.
We Muslims must gather money from our society to start our own businesses and factories to give jobs and employments to our youths, our young girls will get married and a business can make many families happy.
We can start Shopping malls, trading’s, businesses, services, Factories and Hospitals and Laboratories, Educational institutions, security services, we can solve our own social religious problems in the mosques.
If our businesses and factories are feared to be targeted by the enemy by legal challenges and false suits filed for sacking our money, then we must start our factories and businesses in anywhere in the world where our businesses are safe, but the profit of the money must reach the deserving muslim families in the form of muslim help.
For stability in our industries and businesses we should start our factories in collaboration with foreign multinationals, we can import modern machines and collaborating with foreign multinationals can provide us safety and stability in our businesses.

We must start such factories and industries and businesses where more men are required, i.e. more men will employed, we should not opt for more automation, as our aim is to provide more jobs to our unemployed youths.

We should keep in mind that already existing muslim businesses should not suffer by our starting of factories and businesses and industries.

We must start such factories and industries and businesses where more men are required, i.e. more men will employed, we should not opt for more automation, as our aim is to provide more jobs to our unemployed youths.

One more thing I want to discuss here that There are some Muslims whom the Allah has given resources and they are providing jobs to their muslim employees must thank the God that in such worst situations the God had made them capable of providing jobs to others, therefore I request to such wealthy Muslims that please treat well with your employees and please do not abuse your authority, please remember the God who has given you wealth and power he also can take your wealth back. 

There is a Hadith Narrated by Ali (R).

“Observe Salaah (the prayers), Observe Salaah And fear Allah with regards to your slaves and servants.“

I have observed that many muslim employers are not treating well with their servants and employees.

Our youths are in trouble, our young girls are without marriages and our old people are worried about the future, in this situation who will give hope and who will give shelter and support and who will give courage to bear the test of time ?, it is we, we must support ourselves.
For this, we need to revive a dead Sunnah of our prophet PBUH, reviving a dead Sunnah has great rewards according to a Hadith.
Today, i.e. 2018 AD or in modern days we Muslims are passing through very tough time, even although there are 50 % Muslim countries in the world and the Muslims are second largest in population in the world and by 2070 the Muslims will be in majority in the world as all other religions are shrinking in terms of followers even atheism is also shrinking after a up-surge during 1990.
Here we are concerned about only Muslims, we do not consider here about the affairs of non-muslims, we muslims are in trouble, the muslims are being targeted and the muslims are blamed for the acts of terrorism, the terrorism is used against muslims as a tool for defaming us and our religion, enemy governments of the world is using the terrorism as a tool to target our religion, they found this tool very effective and false terrorists acts performed by the enemies of Islam are labelled on the muslims, the terrorists acts are actually either performed by the non-muslims or they are produced by payments to the criminal parties, anyhow the blame is only on muslims, Muslim youths are persecuted on the false grounds of terrorists acts which they never performed, the muslims are denied visas, the muslims are denied jobs and the muslims are discriminated in all aspects of the life, the result is the weak financial condition of muslims in each and every country, muslims are forced to live in poverty, they are forced to live in ghettos, they are kept in constant fear and muslims and Islam is mocked and every chance of mocking of Islam is not spared, be it cinema or be it news in the newspapers or be it cartoons, this strategy is followed in each and every enemy country, even in Muslim countries muslims are kept under fear, false or fake islamic jihadi groups are formed by the enemies of Islam and they are operated by the enemies and they are shown in news that these and those group is Islamic and they did this and they did that, in reality the enemies are doing all that shit and blaming on muslims,.

Any normal intellectual person can think that “How come the muslims do this, even though they are weak and they are in minority?”.
All the acts of terrorism have only benefited the enemies, then “How come muslims are constantly doing these to benefit the enemies?”.

The present time is a time of test for muslims, the present time is the time of punishment for the muslims, the God is punishing the muslims for the disobedience they did in the recent past, when the God has given them a chance to rule the entire world, but the muslims ruled it by their own kingdoms and empires and they did not tried to improve the religious conditions of other non-muslims, the muslims kept the majority of non-muslims in the darkness of bad religions and now the God is punishing muslims for keeping other humans in darkness, for the God all humans are equal, all humans are his own creatures, all humans are equally lovely, the Jews were punished in the past several times due to the same mistake, the same mistake the muslims have done and now they are in torments and under punishment, now only the God can forgive muslims, and the way is to ask him his forgiveness, the God is merciful he can forgive us at any moment, the thing which is separating us from forgiveness is the disintegration of muslims, the lack of unity of muslims and plenty of sects in Islam, even if we all muslims ask forgiveness to the God he will forgive us at this moment and he will restore our past glory instantly.
This is the scenario today for the Muslims, what we need now? We need unity of Muslims?, then  I am not telling that our hundreds of sects should merge together to form a Muslim unity, no it is not necessary, it is not even necessary!, the thing which we need is only love and brotherly & cardinal relations among all the sects of Islam.
The real and genuine and pious Muslim whom we will select can support muslim youths, he can give them hope and strength to bear the hard times, he can listen different problems of Muslims and he can resolve their problems in the Mosque, we do not have any need to go to the courts of justice to solve our own problems.
He is our Judge, he can solve our family problems, he can solve our business problems, he can solve our property problems, he can solve our social problems,  then why we are wasting our time and money in the courts and advocates.
In the time of trouble and hardship and poverty & distress and joblessness the Muslims needs someone who gives them support and gives them hope and gives them shelter and gives them strength to endeavor the hard times and the Muslims need someone who has sympathy with them and who supports the grieving muslims. Who will support Muslims?.
The real and genuine and pious Muslim whom we will select as our Ameer can support muslim youths, he can give them hope and strength to bear the hard times, Our Ameer can listen different problems of Muslims and he can resolve their problems in the Mosque, we do not have any need to go to the courts of justice to solve our own problems.
The Ameer is our Judge, he can solve our family problems, he can solve our business problems, he can solve our property problems, he can solve our social problems, then why we are wasting our time and money in the courts and advocates.
Reviving the Dead Sunnah of our prophet PBUH of making a person Ameer is the need of the Time.

"It is not permitted for three men to be in a desert place without putting one of their number in leadership." (Ahmad on the authority of 'Abd Allah bin 'Umar).

The word Desert is not only in desert, but if even in the desert we must make our one person as our Ameer.
Another order of our Prophet PBUH

"When three persons go on a journey, let them put one of their number in command." (Abu Da'ud on the authority of Abu Sa'id).

Even if there are only three persons and even if they are in travels they must make one person as their Ameer, then How we millions and billions of Muslims can live in this world without some Ameers,.
The concept of living without Ameer is an illusion of Satan, it is imposed on Muslim Ummah, we must come out of this illusion as early as possible, then only we can survive in this world.
Therefore how come all muslims of the world think that they can live without forming unity and without following a common ameer ?

We must make Bayt on his hand and make our Ameer in each & every mosque in our colonies.
Our youths are in trouble, our young girls are without marriages and our old people are worried about the future, in this situation who will give hope and who will give shelter and support and who will give courage to bear the test of time ?, it is we, we must support ourselves.
The Prophet PBUH waned us that we must make someone our Ameer otherwise, we have to die as a non-Muslims.
Our all sects are Muslims, nobody is out of Islam, the Wahhabis, the Salafists, the Sunni, the Tablighis, and the Deobandis and the Barelvis all are Muslims, according to this order of our prophet PBUH.

Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever prays like us and faces our Qibla and eats our slaughtered animals is a Muslim and is under Allah’sand His Apostle’s protection. So do not betray Allah by betraying those who are in His protection.”
Volume 1, Book 8, Number 386: (Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

This means that all followers of all sects of islam are Muslims, because all Muslims eat halal meat and all pray facing the Mecca and all pray in the same manners as our prophet PBUH did pray.
All members of our all sects are muslims.

There is great importance of unity in Islam, the muslims cannot live without forming a unity and without forming a ameer.
Reviving the Dead Sunnah of our prophet PBUH of making a person Ameer is the need of the Time.

"It is not permitted for three men to be in a desert place without putting one of their number in leadership." (Ahmad on the authority of 'Abd Allah bin 'Umar).

The word Desert is not only in desert, but if even in the desert we must make our one person as our Ameer.
Another order of our Prophet PBUH
"When three persons go on a journey, let them put one of their number in command." (Abu Da'ud on the authority of Abu Sa'id).

Even if there are only three persons and even if they are in travels they must make one person as their Ameer, then How we millions and billions of Muslims can live in this world without some Ameers,.
The concept of living without Ameer is an illusion of Satan, it is imposed on Muslim Ummah, we must come out of this illusion as early as possible, then only we can survive in this world.
Therefore how come all muslims of the world think that they can live without forming unity and without following a common ameer ?

This is the scenario today for the Muslims, what we need now?  We need unity of Muslims?, then  I am not telling that our hundreds of sects should merge together to form a Muslim unity, no it is not necessary, it is not even necessary!, the thing which we need is only love and brotherly & cardinal relations among all the sects of Islam.
There are many Islamic reformist groups who know the present bad conditions of muslims and they are trying to reform muslims since last 100 years, there are many reformist groups in each and every sect of islam, there are really some good people, they have good intentions, they are dedicated and they are really pious and genuine, what they all are doing since last 100 years ?, they all are trying to make muslims on true islamic paths, they all have genuine intentions, they belong to all sects, they can be Sunnis Barelvis, , they can be Tablighis, they can be Wahhabis, they can be Salafis, they can be ahle Hadiths, they can be Shia, they can be Deobandis, they can be Biddatis, and they can be any muslims, but they all have good and genuine intentions, they all have good and dedicated pious people in them, they all are working to improve the muslims since last 100 years, but their efforts are not bearing any fruits, the condition of muslims is constantly deteriorating exponentially, in spite of all these reform work, the condition of muslims is in constant declination since last 100 years, strange ! isn't it. 
The reformers are doing their best efforts to improve the conditions of muslims, they are teaching true Islam to the muslims, they are teaching pure hadiths, pure Quran, pure and clean Islamic lessons, these all reformers of all sects are using pure Islam for teaching, but the results are not satisfactorily, the condition of muslims is deteriorating day by day and since last 100 years the muslims are in social decline in spite of all these reformist efforts.
Where is the error ?, are those reformists not using correct Islamic teachings?, No, they all are using correct Islamic teachings, in spite of all those reformers belonged to different sects, but they all are using same true Islamic teaching, the Quran & the Hadiths are same in all sects, the sects differ in minor matters, these minor matter does not have any big and substantial bad effects, these differences are in some customs, in some rituals and in some practices, such differences are grossly considered as innovations or Biddah, these innovations are not serious to cause a great decline in Muslim ummah and these innovations are not serious enough to cause great deterioration of the muslims all over the world, then what is the error ?, if these biddahs are not serious, then where is the error or mistake  ?
The Answer is that....
All these Muslim reformers are lacking one common thing in their syllabus or in their curriculum, what is that thing?
That thing is...
These all reformers are not providing the things which the Muslims as humans want; the Muslims are after all human beings, they too need some things which all humans needs, the humans have psychology, and the psychological necessities must be fulfilled to lead a happy life.
The Original Islam, which Prophet Mohammad PBUH preached had that psychological ingredient, but after the death of the prophet Mohammad PBUH and after the abrupt termination of the Rashidun Caliphate that psychological factor disappeared from the muslims, only true Islamic teaching survived, that psychological factor was not written or recorded one, therefore it got easily evaporated from the Muslim society after the catastrophic termination of the Rashidun caliphate, .
What was that Psychological ingredient?, why it is secret, why it remained obscured till now ? How it remained obscured centuries till now ?
Now I will disclose this secret, actually all secrets in world are not kept hidden, many great secrets are kept open in front of the eyes of general people only they are merely not noticed by the people, therefore they remain as a secret, if we keep something as a secret, then people will surely try to find it out due to curiosity, This Islamic psychological ingredient too is not completely obscured but it was so badly abused and misused by some charlatans in the past that the people turned away from it completely, and hence this ingredient became invisible and we muslims got deprived from its benefits.
I will now describe it first scientifically and then you will understand it completely and you will recognize its benefits.
That psychological ingredient for the humans is the “Psychological desire of Humans to follow & admire a leader”, “even though the leader is abusive and even though he has some human weaknesses in him.”

The human psychology is such a complex phenomenon of mind and intellect that is responsible to form our personality, our instincts and our desires are governed by our survival tactics incorporated in our psychology and finally into our genome through the course of millions  of years of development and survival strategies which our ancestors faced back in history.
All humans have a natural desire buried in his subconscious mind for admiring and following a leader, we want to follow a leader, we want to admire a leader, we want to respect an elderly person of any religion or faith, it is in our genome, it is in our psyche, it is an essential part of our survival tactics, back in millennia, our ancestors were successful in survival in harsh conditions only due to following the group leader who succeeded in rescuing our ancestors safely in a safe place, in a cave or on a tree or even on the other bank of a river.

Therefore, the muslims too are humans, so the Muslims also need and the Muslims also have a buried desire in their genome to admire a leader and to follow a leader, after all the Muslims too are human beings, but unfortunately after the abrupt termination of the Rashidun caliphate the muslims lost the true leadership to which they can admire, But in the time and life of prophet Mohammad PBUH the muslim ummah had a charismatic leader in the form of Prophet Mohammad PBUH and all muslims were admiring him and all were happy to follow him in spite he over burden muslims by Daily five times prayers, 30 day continuous Fasting and every three to four month alternating battles and Charity tax and many more burdens on muslims but those muslims were happily following all these and admiring the prophet PBUH and even they were ready to sacrifice their life for the prophet Mohammad PBUH. Why this desire of following the Prophet Mohammad PBUH was in those muslims ?, it was only because of love, if you love someone, you do all the things which he wants from you to do, all these burdens of worship were nothing in front of the love of a leader, these burdens are the tests of the God for the followers of the Islam even today, at the time of the prophet PBUH the Jews were frightening and they warned those muslims about the burdens which the prophet PBUH imposed on the muslims, there is Hadiths recorded in the Hadith books that the Jews were warning the people that your prophet will overburden you with charity tax and other demands and emotional blackmailing and he will make your life miserable by his demanding nature, and etc, but the muslims who had psychological desire to follow the prophet Mohammad PBUH overcame all these burdens and followed him, they loved him, .

Today we find the daily five time prayers very boring and burdensome only because there is none in front of us to admire and follow, if there happened to be any pious Muslim leader such as Caliph Abu-Bakr (God Bless him) today, we may have found our prayers tasteful, the taste is in love, if you are in love and your lover gives you bitter fruit you will eat it as it was a sweet fruit.
Therefore, you will surely taste the real taste of prayers Namaz and fasting and Zikr and other Islamic acts when you will fall in love with a pious Islamic leader father figure, whatever he will tell you, you will do it.
Our Daily 5 time prayers are burden and boring for us only because we do not have someone to love and we do not have love, our imam in our mosques is our paid servant, we do not love him.

Therefore today in spite all our reformers are trying very hard to unite us, we are not uniting, we are not uniting only because we do not have a central figure or leader to unite with, Now the Salafis tell that the Prophet Mohammad PBUH is our leader, yes, correct, He is our guide and leader, but our subconscious mind see him very remote, we need immediate leader to admire and follow, this is our psychological urge, our psychological need, our inborn instinct and our instinct cannot cope with a leader separated by 1440 year gap with us. We need a living leader.

Therefore the all our reformers are right and correct in their teachings, syllabuses, and curriculum,  only they have to add leadership in the syllabus, our modern islamic teaching is lacking in SPIRITUALITY, our mosques are devoid of SPIRITUALITY, we need Spirituality, up-till now you might have noticed that the humans always forms associations, clubs, unions and group and social gatherings, even the atheists  too have clubs and unions where they find some spirituality, there are churches of Satan, atheists social clubs, the all other religions have spiritual leaders, the pagan polytheists have spiritual leaders and people follow them, people admire them and even though their spiritual leaders are charlatans people still follow them, . Therefore they are united in spite there are thousands of sects in them, & they are benefiting by following their preachers.

You might also have noticed that the  Tableegh Jamat has large following in all Asian countries and even in western countries, this large following is only because of the people wanted to be associated, even though the  Tableeghi Jamat do not have a Caliph like leader, but this Jamat makes area wise and mosque wise Ameers, and common people love to follow the ameer and the followers of this Jamat admire the  head of this Jamat and people subscribe this jamat and attend its gatherings as this jamat provides them some social association and somewhat provides them satisfaction, that satisfaction for that the muslims are thirsty since last 1440 years. There are other minor groups who have a caliph like leader and they follow him and they are satisfied and benefitting, these minor groups are Dawoodi Bohra and some Shia sects,.

Therefore it is highly in need that we muslims must have a really pious and dedicated and genuine leader father figure in each of our mosque to follow him, he will provide us the spirituality for which we are thirsty and hungry, he will provide us in him a leader to which we will follow and we will admire him, He will unite us, he will unite all our sects, we have all true teachings of islam intact with us, our all sects are true and correct, no sect is deviated from the islam, all sects are dedicated and all sects want us to follow true islam, .
If we will have a Islamic leader in each and every corner of our locality, then we will taste the true taste of our daily five time prayers, our fasting’s will be a delicacy for us and our Islamic tax will be blessing for us. 
Our all-social problems will be solved in his guidance, our Dowry problem, our all other social evils will evaporate.

Our modern Muslims think that there are some sects, which are indulged in innovation and Biddah, such activities as to revere the dead saints or walis and celebrate their death anniversaries as urs.

These Urs and other activites are actually our hidden desire to admire a leader, these poor biddatis/ innovator muslims are doing what our instinct dictates them, our psychology has an urge to follow a leader, and by this case of revering the dead saints or walis, we want to quench our thirst which is buried since centuries, what we can do if our leaders are died, we poor people do not have living leaders, these poor biddati muslims are innovating in the love of Islam, in the love of the prophet PBUH and in the love to love a leader, what we poor people can do if we do not have any other opening to exhaust our natural urges., all the innovations are nothing but these are acts of love and acts of our urges which is in our genome, the God cannot punish what which is natural, our instincts and our nature are created by the God.

(((We do not consider our political leaders as our true leaders; they are charlatans and puppets of enemies))). There might be some good people in politics but it is better to ignore all politicians and politics in general.

There is no need to blame all sects of islam for deviation, all our sects are innocent, what they are doing as deviation is nothing but our psychological needs, therefore we must stop blaming each other, there is no benefit in blaming each other, our enemies are benefiting only, our enemies are using us, they are making us fight and they are benefiting by making us weak.

In the last, I wish we had a pious Muslim person sitting in each mosque to which we might admire, we might follow him, we love him, he guide us in our religious and non-religious matters, if such person is not there then we must make SOMEONE TO SIT THERE, we must make him our leader by taking his hand in our hand, this practice is called Bayah or Bayat, .

Only such persons sitting in the mosques can provide us spiritual nutrition, we are deficient in spiritual nutrition since millennium, such person need not be a descendant of the prophet PBUH, he need not be any member of a series of the saints and walis. This is a correct Ameer, he need not be the descendants of the prophet PBUH, he need not be a link of the chains of the Saints, he need only be a pious muslim. The prophet said that “ The one who is pious is lovely in the sight of the God, whether he be a Negro or an Arab, Black or White is no distinction”.

In the life time of the prophet Mohammad PBUH the muslims had a leader to love and admire, after his death the muslim selected Four Rashidun Caliphs, but after the unfortunate and abrupt termination of the Caliphate the muslims came under a state of spiritual coma, after a long period of 200 years of coma muslims woke up from this coma, and the early pious muslims scholars provided common muslims a spiritual platform, such pious muslims were the early collectors of Hadith, then there came the Four Imams, the Hanafi, the Maliki & the Shafii and the Hanabalis after them followed by jurists and fiqah writers, after this some pious people provided the spiritual food to the muslims and these early pious people were termed as SUFI.

The earliest Sufi's were pious muslim scholars who were in love with the God and his final messenger prophet Mohammad PBUH, they were mad in the love, therefore they did somethings which can be termed as innovation or biddah, such mad acts for example were singing and dancing, But these early sufi's provided spirituality to a thirsty public and they provided comfort in the times of distress and torments.

It is my wish that we must make someone ameer in our nearest mosque and make Bayat on his hand, we must revive the Caliphate of Abu Bakr (R), in this way we can taste the sample of true Caliphate by imitating it now.
We must imitate and revive the tradition of caliphate of Abu Bakr (R), our ameer can unite us, he can give us love and spirituality, by giving Bayat we can revive the Sunnah of our beloved prophet PBUH.
It is my desire that there should be someone to whom I will make my Murshid & I will become his Mureed.

In the time of trouble and hardship and poverty & distress and joblessness the Muslims needs someone who gives them support and gives them hope and gives them shelter and gives them strength to endeavor the hard times and the Muslims need someone who has sympathy with them and who supports the grieving muslims. Who will support muslims?.

The real and genuine and pious Muslim who will act as a ameer can support muslim youths, he can give them hope and strength to bear the hard times, the ameer can listen different problems of Muslims and he can resolve their problems in the Mosque, we do not have any need to go to the courts of justice to solve our own problems.
The ameer is our Judge, he can solve our family problems, he can solve our business problems, he can solve our property problems, he can solve our social problems, then why we are wasting our time and money in the courts and advocates.
Our youths are in trouble, our young girls are without marriages and our old people are worried about the future, in this situation who will give hope and who will give shelter and support and who will give courage to bear the test of time ?, it is we, we must support ourselves.

There are Hadiths regarding the compulsiveness of making someone your Guide and making Bayat on his hand.

Whoever dies and did not make an oath of allegiance (to a Muslim leader) has died a death of jahiliyah (ignorance). [ Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Immarah]”

A very important article I found on the internet please do read this too

live-and-die-with-dignity Muslims

( Written by Dr. Spahic Omer) 

About Dr. Spahic Omer

Dr. Spahic Omer, a Bosnian currently residing in Malaysia, is an Associate Professor at the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.He studied in Bosnia, Egypt and Malaysia. He obtained his PhD in 2000 from the University of Malaya in the field of Islamic history and civilization.His research interests cover Islamic history, culture and civilization, as well as the history and theory of Islamic built environment. In 2003, his book "Studies in Islamic Built Environment" won IIUM's Isma'il al-Faruqi Best Publication Award, and in 2015, his book "Architecture and Society" won Malaysian National Book Award (Anugerah Buku Negara).He can be reached at; his website is

Live and Die with Dignity

So difficult and complex is the predicament of Muslims nowadays that it,
perhaps, has no equal in history. The problems and challenges are
ubiquitous and global in character, encompassing all aspects of life.
However, the most critical and so, most systematically targeted are such
aspects as are related to spirituality, morality and education. The muchtalked-
about notions of Muslim unity, culture, economy and politics are but
corollaries of the former.
There are many entities in the world which seem to be happy only when
Muslims are kept ignorant, divided, disoriented, subdued and when they
shed each other’s blood.
To them, it is almost an international crime if a Muslim nation becomes
genuinely independent, visionary and start doing well (the recent dramatic
and hardly fathomable economic troubles in Turkey are the case in point).
To them, furthermore, it is a convention that Muslims should be perennially
impoverished and needy, depending on their support and wherewithal.
Muslims and their countries are to be turned into the dumping grounds for
such people’s cultural, intellectual, military and industrial leftovers, and in
the worst-case scenario, outright waste.
Muslims are to dominate the news for all the wrong reasons. The dark side
of history is to be inscribed predominantly by Muslims and their societies.
Hence, the only way forward for Muslims would be in following especially
the West and its cultural and civilizational model. It is there that the endpoint
of humanity’s sociocultural evolution and the final form of human
government will come to pass. As a political and philosophical concept, the
“end of history” has thus been increasingly articulated.
Unfortunately, the creators and advocates of this agenda come as much
from within Muslim societies, in the form of a myriad of hypocritical and
corrupt governments, institutions and NGOs, as from without, in the form
of certain hostile and internationally influential governments, institutions,
and media together with business establishments.
Being what they are, they all thrive in the environments of fear,
uncertainty, mistrust and manipulation. They and their existential
identities are the antitheses of the true meaning of justice, freedom and
the wellbeing of humankind, even though they exist ostensibly for the sake
of upholding those beliefs.
The truth is the least wanted thing.
The condition is so dire that one can easily sink into despair, knowing that
very little can be done. The unholy schemes are so sophisticated and multitiered
that they cannot be matched, even partially, by any sincere efforts
and strategies of any sincere individuals, groups and governments.
No sooner is a genuine threat detected, than it is emphatically and in unison
pounced upon till it is neutralized (again the case of Turkey comes to mind
and its carefully crafted and orchestrated “impending destiny”).
Of course, the “pacified”, “docile”, “reformed”, “modernized” and
“moderate” Muslims are left alone. Moreover, they are encouraged to carry
on and try to win over as many other Muslims as possible.
Numerous local and international institutions and bodies are created, and
endless funds and awards provided in abundance for the purpose.
In consequence, being constantly praised and presented with accolades and
awards by certain Western entities is anything but a good thing. It may
yet signify a certificate of betrayal and “treason”.
Whereas being constantly criticized, condemned and ostracized by the
same entities may not necessarily be a bad thing. It may yet denote a
certificate of a true form of struggle and sacrifice.
The whole of Islam’s and Muslims’ being is targeted in the process.
However, one gets a feeling that the Islamic comprehensive concept of
education (epistemology), and everything it entails at all levels of its
conceptual and functional presence, is aimed at most.
All that is one of the chief reasons why -- for example -- since the rapid
decline of Islamic culture and civilization, and the rise of Western
imperialism and colonization, the subjects of pseudo or theosophical
Sufism, metaphysical philosophy steeped in some questionable sources and
traditions, and scholastic theology (‘ilm al-kalam), became most important
and so, most popular among many Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
However, the same was not the case with those authentic sciences and
themes of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Shari’ah, which embrace plentiful
implications for living and applying Islam as a total code of human
While the former, when dealt with in accordance with a prescribed set of
methods and objectives, renders Muslim thought and action impractical,
desolate and insipid, the latter does exactly the opposite, due to which it
is often regarded as inappropriate, yet risky.
The former contributes to subjugating and controlling Muslims and their
thought, while the latter contributes to withstanding and defying the
Thus, for instance, dwelling on such legitimate and, at the same time,
pivotal subjects as the creation of Islamic state, application of Shari’ah
including its Penal Law, jihad, da’wah and islamisation, is habitually deemed
anomalous and aberrant.
As a result, the curricula in the Muslim world have been designed and redesigned
accordingly for centuries. Their goal was the serial production of
generations of “compliant”, “submissive”, “one-dimensional” and “myopic”
Muslims as the obedient servants of the imposed visions and regimes.
However, the situation is not all doom and gloom. There is still much that
can be done by everyone.
Optimism, yet excitement and contentment, coupled with creative thinking
and constructive action, should be the raison d’etre. Being overly
pessimistic and despondent is certainly not the way. It only plays into the
hands of the perpetrators and sustainers of the status quo.
The following issues need to be considered.
All that is happening is only because Almighty Allah so wills. It is all part
of His divine plan for His creation in general, and Muslims in particular.
No earthly, or otherworldly, power, or scheme, can thwart in the slightest
His plans. He is the Creator, Lord and Owner of creation. He does what He
He is also just and does things only for just purposes and ends.
Nobody does anything, nor does any event take place on earth, without His
infinite knowledge and permission. It is all part of divine providence.
In the end, the truth and the true servants of Allah will be victorious. That
is an ontological law and principle as powerful and constant as everyday
physical laws.
When it comes to dealing with others, there should be no room whatsoever
within Muslims for the inferiority complex.
The proponents and followers of the truth need to be patient and do only
that which is in their capacity, for Allah does not burden anyone beyond
what he can bear.
They do not have to change anything. It is Allah who changes things, events
and people’s overall conditions. Their job is only to convey the truth and
live it honorably as much and as effectively as possible.
Why the things are the way they are, and why they are prolonged as such,
Allah knows best. There must be in whatever befalls Muslims a profound
wisdom and hidden blessings. Things are not to be judged superficially and
in haste.
Allah loves His servants and does only that which is eventually best for
them in both worlds.
Muslims ought to hold their heads high, and practice, as well as promote,
their belief and value systems peacefully, confidently and wisely.
Everyone also needs to enjoy an appropriate level of activism and
involvement. Neither of passiveness, escapism, indifference and deadening
formalism is the answer. In their own ways, they are all suicidal.
The best way to convey the truth and invite people to it is to be its living
example. That is so because the best antidote for falsehood and sin is the
personification of the truth and goodness.
The two cannot coexist. The former is always bound to be extirpated by
the latter.
The mere existence of the latter spells adversity for the former. And the
stronger and more conspicuous the truth and goodness, the weaker and
more indistinguishable falsehood and sin become.
Nonetheless, keeping the truth in the realms of words and abstract ideas
is insufficient.
A person in the Hereafter will be held accountable only for what he did
and tried to do, rather than for the general conditions of the world and
Even the holy prophets will not be held answerable for that. Everyone is
responsible for his own choices and spiritual destiny.
It is a heavenly injunction that a person should worry most and take care
of his very self and his family members first. As for the rest, the matter
is proportional to a person’s abilities and the scope of his relationships and
But one thing is certain.
Everyone must be conscious and knowledgeable enough so that evil and
falsehood and their agents are identifiable, loathed and worked against as
much as feasible.
The world consists of individuals. It is affected and reformed to the same
extent as individuals, the basic and most fundamental constituents of the
world, are influenced and reformed.
Almighty Allah reveals: “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a
people until they change what is in themselves” (al-Ra’d, 11).
“That is because Allah would not change a favour which He had bestowed
upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed,
Allah is Hearing and Knowing” (al-Anfal, 53).
This world is all about trials, challenges and obstacles. It was never meant
to be an end in itself and to be enjoyed for its own sake.
Perceiving the world in such a manner is a serious mistake and runs against
the core of the Islamic monotheistic worldview.
This world is a place where Jannah (Paradise) in the Hereafter is to be
procured. Expecting the world to become a jannah is a grave misguidance.
The world is only the first part of the journey.
The more difficult the trials and challenges, the more blessings and
rewards await the faithful. All types of problems are blessings in disguise.
Victory is a test, and so is defeat. A person should pass both of them. What
matters most is what they do to a person and how he reacts to them.
Neither is intrinsically good or bad, nor preferred or abhorred.
Both possess unique sets of potentials that should be optimized, and
challenges that should be overcome.
Islam propagates pragmatism, realism and commitment, and shuns
utopianism, naivety and fatalism.
As Allah’s vicegerent on earth, man has been created as an honorable being.
His existence is an embodiment of purpose, meaning and beauty.
Thus, the gist of his vicegerency mission is to live and die with dignity,
regardless of the terrestrial consequences and conditions. With dignity,
he will then be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and will face his
Losing, or compromising, dignity at any point of his life journey is the
biggest existential crime a person can commit.
Dying with dignity is better than living without it. A life without dignity is
a truly meaningless, wretched and inhuman experience.
To Muslims, therefore, life is not to be perceived exclusively in terms of
winning or losing, but in terms of espousing the spiritual purpose and
identity, and maintaining the human honor and dignity notwithstanding the
In each situation, however, different systems and modi operandi are to be
evolved and applied.


There are a sound hadith that came from Al ‘Irbadh Ibn Sariya – that the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said,
 “Indeed, he who lives among you after me will witness so many conflicts. It is mandatory for you to follow my sunnah, and the sunnah of the guided Khulafa ar Rasyidin. Hold fast to it and bite it with your molar teeth. Shun yourself from every innovated matter. Verily, those innovated matters are heresy, and every heresy is astray.” [3]

Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Soon the best wealth of a Muslim will be a flock of sheep he takes to the top of a mountain or in valleys of rainfall, fleeing with his religion from tribulations.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 19
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The people will see a time of patience in which someone adhering to his religion will be as if he were grasping a hot coal.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2260
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Abu Musa Al-Ashari reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, right before the Hour there will be a tribulation like pieces of the dark night in which a man might be a believer in the morning and an unbeliever by evening or he might be a believer in the evening and an unbeliever by morning. He who sits down during it will be better than he who rises up, and he who walks during it will be better than he who runs. So break your bows, cut your bowstrings, and strike your swords against the rock. If someone comes to kill you, then be like the better of the two sons of Adam.” (5:28)
Source: Sunan Abu Dawud 4259
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There will be tribulations during which a sitting person will be better than the one standing. The one standing will be better than the one walking. The one walking will be better than the one running. Whoever exposes himself to these tribulations will be destroyed, so whoever finds a place of protection or refuge should take shelter in it.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6670, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2886
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Hour will not be established until a man passes by the grave of another man and he says: I wish I were in his place.”
Source: Sahih Muslim 157
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam Muslim
This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhaari in a number of places in his Saheeh, such as (7088) Kitaab al-Fitan, where he narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Soon there will come a time when the best wealth a Muslim will have will be sheep which he will take to the mountaintops and places where rain falls, fleeing for the sake of his religious commitment from tribulation.” And Muslim narrated a similar hadeeth in his Saheeh (1888), also from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), which says that a man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, “Which of the people is best?” He said, “A man who strives in jihad for the sake of Allaah with his wealth and his self.” He asked, “Then who?” He said, “A believer in a mountain pass who worships Allaah and leaves the people alone.” 
The word sha’af [in the second hadeeth] means a mountaintop. The word shi’b [in the first hadeeth] means a gap or pass between two mountains. Al- Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim (13/34): “This does not mean the mountain pass itself, rather what is referred to is being alone and isolating oneself. A mountain pass is mentioned as a metaphor because it is usually devoid of people.” 
The hadeeth indicates that it is preferable to isolate oneself from people and not mix with them in cases where a Muslim fears for his religious commitment because of widespread tribulation, where if he mixes with people he cannot be sure that his religious commitment will be safe and that he will not apostatize or deviate from the truth, or fall into shirk or abandon the basic principles and pillars of Islam, and so on. 
Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (13/42):  “This report indicates that isolation is preferable in the case of one who fears for his religious commitment.” 
Al-Sindi said in his footnotes on al-Nasaa’i (8/124): “This shows that it is permissible to isolate oneself, indeed it is preferable at times of tribulation.” 
In the second hadeeth quoted above the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned the believer who isolates himself second in virtue only to the mujaahid who fights for the sake of Allaah. Al-Haafiz said in al-Fath (6/6): “The believer who isolates himself is second in virtue only to the mujaahid because the one who mixes with people cannot guarantee that he will not commit sin, and these sins may be greater in number than the hasanaat (rewards for good deeds) that he gains as a result of mixing with people. But being isolated is regarded as preferable only in cases where there is tribulation.” 




This self-employment philosophy is derived from the following incident during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): 

A man of the Ansar came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and begged from him. He (the Prophet) asked: Have you nothing in your house? He replied: Yes, a piece of cloth, a part of which we wear and a part of which we spread (on the ground), and a wooden bowl from which we drink water. He said: Bring them to me. He then brought these articles to him, and he (the Prophet) took them in his hands and asked: Who will buy these? A man said: I shall offer to buy them for one dirham. He said twice or thrice: Who will offer more than one dirham? Another man said: I shall buy them for offered and bought them for two dirhams. He gave the two dirhams to him and took the two dirhams and, giving them to the owner Ansari, he and said: Buy food with one dirham for your family, and buy an axe with the second dirham, and bring it to me. The Ansar brought the axe to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), who fixed a handle on it with his own hands and said: Go, gather firewood and sell it, and do not let me see you for a fortnight. The man went away, and gathered firewood and sold it. When he had earned ten dirhams, he came to the prophet and told him that he had bought a garment with some of them and food with his earnings the others. (Abu Dawud, Hadith 1637)

This incident illustrates an important distinction between simply providing relief as opposed to making someone self-sufficient. Relief is generally a short term solution to a long term problem. Self employment through economic and social change is a long-term solution, which is why I focuses on projects that promote self-employment.

الله اِن معصوموں پر رحم کر

May God have mercy on these innocents

الله اِن معصوموں پر رحم کر

الله اِن معصوموں پر رحم کر

( For Medium duration videos about Islamic misconception please click this following Link...).


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